Figuring things out

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Figuring things out

Abi was woken by the smell of pancakes, bacon and sausage, she wasn't quiet sure how she got up the stairs, Fred must of carried her up because the last thing she remembered was Fred rubbing her back and falling asleep, she turns seeing Fred not there and notices the divorce papers setting on the nightstand on Fred's side, I quietly get up and grab one of Fred's sweaters and smelt it to make sure it was clean or not.

Fred walks into the room with a bag in his hands he started picking up what was his and throwing it in there, I sat on the bed watching him “Where are you going?” I ask but he wouldn't respond he didn't hear me, my heart pounded I walk over and stand in front of him, “Talk to me please what's going on?” I ask tears streaming down my face.

My vision was interrupted by the door opening and A ginger haired boy walked in, it was Fred he noticed I was awake and grins, “Well hello beautiful did you sleep better last night?” He asks setting beside me, I stare at him and nod.

“Your not planning on leaving me are you Fred?” I ask putting down his shirt standing from my spot walking towards the closet and picked out my own shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts, he wrapped his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder.

“Abi what gives you that idea?” He asks turning me around my eye's locked with his brown eyes his hand holding my very own.

I stare at him and sigh knowing I would have to tell him about these visions and dreams that I have started to have recently, “I've been having Dreams Fred, of you and Angelina the first one of you and her downstairs in the kitchen kissing and you carrying her up here and made love in our room.” I say staring at him tears trying to escape my brown eye's but I wouldn't let them, I needed to be strong I didn't want to be weak for Angelina anymore. “The second one was of you at the hospital with Angelina as she was giving birth to a little boy and you were there..” I stop for a moment and look down. “They handed you the baby and you smiled.” I look up again seeing the expression on his face.

Fred pulls me in for a hug and rubs my back, “I promise you Abi, that nothing like this is ever going to happen I swear to you.” He whispers into my ear sealing it with a short kiss on the lips, “Mum wanted me to come down and get you breakfast is ready.” He says softly.

I nod and smile, “And Fred... I had another vision touching your shirt, you walked in and had a bag packing your things or what you could get and I was talking to you but you never responded to me.” I whisper softly.

Fred stares at me, “We can see what Harry says about this when you come down, I'll tell everyone you are awake and will be down in a few minutes.” He says kissing my lips softly once more before walking out of the bedroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror and sigh deeply, I take my makeup and put a little on and slipped into my clothes once I slipped out of my pajamas and fixed my hair up in a ponytail for now not really wanting to mess with my hair, I smile satisfied and walk out of the room and down the stairs, Fred meets me and grins taking his hand in mine bringing me in for another short kiss before we enter the kitchen for breakfast with the family.

Lily was at the table along with Aiden, I sat between Fred and George once again the regular setting arrangement, Harry was there with Ginny, Breakfast went well It was quiet but it went alright. “I have to go to court today, since Angelina won't sign the divorce papers.” Fred speaks up staring over at me.

I stare at him and bit my lip lightly I didn't really want him to go not alone anyway, “I'm going to make sure everything turns out the way they need to be.” George adds noticing the expression on my face, I smile as a thank you he nods.

I sigh softly finishing up my breakfast, the girls helped Molly with the dishes, Arthur had let them borrow the car and had told them it better come back safe and sound unlike the one Harry and Ron had messed up in second year, which I thought was quiet funny seeing the flashback.

Harry had took me out to the Garden to talk about my dreams and visions, “Fred told me about the vision you had this morning by touching his shirt, I put the puzzle together and it does look like someone is messing with your dreams Abi, you know how to block them out of your head and that's what you need to do, if its Angelina doing this to your dreams she's going to tear you and Fred apart something you don't want to you have to be strong.” He explains to me. “Now I have done told Fred about this, he's not telling Angelina anything.” he added in. “Just try to block her out of your visions and dreams.” he says to me.

I stare down and sigh nodding, “I'll try my best Harry, when I have these dreams I just feel so weak and I don't know what to do, I don't even know if James is having these visions or my dreams.” I say.

Harry shakes his head, “No whoever is doing this only wants you to see them, you say they feel real that's what they want you to think.” he says.

I smile, “Thanks Harry for taking time off for me.” I say to him knowing he's been a great friend to me lately.

He smiles, “Anytime Abi.. the girls are going to Hogsmade you should go with them, Ron and I have to get to work.” he says giving me a small hug and walks back into the house to tell Lily and Ginny goodbye and they apparted to the Aruor.

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