The Collected

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Freedom's POV

I looked around. Each of my kids stood in front of me. Brailey was now fully dressed as was Salvation as he slung an arm around her. I gave him a sharp warning glance. She may be a warrior but she was still my daughter.
Rush ran a hand through his hair. He looked empty without his sister next to him. Ember-Rose flung her arms around my neck and laughed. I held her close and felt tears fill my eyes. I never wanted to let go. Chute stood silent. His eyes were hollow as he watched me. His hair was red clashing with his tan skin. He was unsettling.

Rush stood up and hugged me. He was probably about six foot five because he looked taller than Grandpa. His hair was raven black and his eyes were ember colored. He sported scars as well. His skin was well tanned just like everyone else's. I hugged him back. He was only fifteen but he radiated power and wisdom.

"Why did you guys have to grow up while I was asleep?" I asked. Ember-Rose and Chute were the only two who hadn't become warriors. Rush and Brailey laughed.

"We couldn't help it Reed," Rush said. I tried to ruffle his but he was too tall. With a smile he leaned down so I could have one last motherly action.

"So have you guys stuck together?" I asked. Rush smirked over at Brailey.

"Brailey ditched first. Salvation got in her pants about a year and half ago; officially." Rush laughed when Brailey shot daggers at him with her eyes.

"For the last time it has only been a year and a half," Brailey smacked him. Rush laughed hard while I smacked him.

"Watch what you talk about around the little kids?" I scolded. Rush laughed bitterly this time. His eyes held bitter amusement.

"Look Reed, a lot has changed since you fell asleep. This is nothing those kids haven't heard," Rush said just as the door burst open.

"Salvation Rile! How dare you not tell me she was awake. Reed you little rascal come here!" Destroyer proclaimed as she pulled me close. My arms wrapped around her as I smiled. "I missed you so much, don't do that again." I laughed.

"Trust me, another five year nap is not on my list. So where's Dad and Grandpa?" I asked. Destroyer pulled away and smoothed my hair.

"Out on a run." The words had hardly left her mouth when a guard came rushing in.

"Prophet and Mourner's group have been taken by the angels." The room went silent. I pulled away from Destroyer's embrace.

"What does that mean?" I asked. Rush grimaced.

"The Collection," he said. "No one comes back from those alive. We normally just find bodies that are stripped bare. If we hear that angels are in the area we normally bring everyone in to wait it out. I guess their group didn't get the memo this time." Rush said as everyone began shuffling from the room.

"And what do you do about it?" I demanded. Brailey took Salvation's hand.

"Nothing," she muttered. My heart sunk. My father and grandfather left to die? I spun to my cabinet. My daggers weren't there.

"You'll be needing these I expect," Rush said to me. He was the only one who remained in the room. He slid two fine silver knives from the waistband of his jeans. My daggers. Rush handed them to me and smiled.

"I've been waiting for you to wake up a long time Reed," Rush pulled a scarf over his mouth. "You're the only one who liked breaking rules as much as me." I smiled. My son handed me a scarf before leading the way out the door. I wrapped the scarf around so that no one would recognize me. We managed to sneak our way out of the grounds. The sun was setting over the desert giving the sands a warm orange glow as the temperature dropped. I wondered if Brazen was out here. I needed to find him and fast. He would be able to bring sense to all of this. He'd explain why it had been five years. Five years that I had missed of my children's lives. Wind swept sand around us as Rush reached out and grabbed my hand. He pulled me in the direction of the caves as he watched the horizon. His eyes were seeing something that I wasn't. I studied the sky and sands wanting desperately to know what was worrying my son.My free hand tightened on the handle of one of my daggers. I had no idea what was going on but I could sense danger. Suddenly, Rush sped up dragging me along.

"They're coming!" He whispered to me sharply as we both stumbled into a cave. Rush drew out two long, jagged knives. He was a much harsher image of what my son once was. We faded into the shadows that surrounded the cave's domain. I could here shuffling outside as we both prepared ourselves for an attack. Feathers. Wings flashed in my sight a moment before they came. They were viscous in their appearance. Their hair was cut in choppy chunks making the thin faces they framed even more gaunt than they already were. Scars that looked far more brutish than the ones that were sported by Wild Ones made their appearance all the more cruel. I tightened my grip on my blade as I breathed into the darkness of the cave. These angels looked far from heavenly as they searched for us.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are! We've come to collect you!" A female angel shrieked in pleasure. Her hair was dark brown and curly with cold layers. Her eyes were the color of war paint. the fading sunlight that dared enter the room glinted against Rush's daggers. The female angel let out a scream of excitement. She was quicker than lightening. She grabbed onto Rush's arm before her movements registered. She threw him to the ground as the other angels gathered around. Rush hurried to stand back up but his daggers were gone in seconds. My son wasn't helpless though. He managed to tackle one angel before the female kicked him in the face. Rush stumbled back onto the ground. "My, my, this one has as much kick as that old geezer. Claimed to be a prophet didn't he Adam?" The female turned to another angel who smiled.

"No prophet of the Lord dresses or fights like that, Gabrielle." The other angel, Adam, replied. Gabrielle laughed.

"I assume no prophet dies the way that he will," She said. Rush took a swing at her legs but she simply slammed a foot onto his arm. The sound of breaking bones would have brought me from my hiding place if it wasn't for the sharp look Rush gave me. He told me to stay put so I did. The angels tied Rush up before noticing a coming sand storm. They took refuge in the cave. Not a single one noticed me. I flipped my daggers in my grip as I lurked in the shadows. Tonight, not even Brazen's god could save these angels.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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