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Dylan's POV

Today was very exhausting. We were filming all day. Shelly is kind of nervous. By the way, I already knew her, she's my girlfriend Britt best friend so we are good. I talked to her a little bit and she is so beautiful, I liked her since the day we met at Britt's birthday party, but I never tried anything. She had a few relationship but nothing serious. I am just gonna be friends with her, Tyler likes her and I think she likes him too.

Arden's POV

Today we met Shelley on the set. Tyler brought her there, I don't know why but I was jealous when they got together. I like Tyler but he never showed any interest in me. Shelley is nice and kind, I already like her as a friend. I think we are going to get along.

Jeff's POV

I hope I didn't made a mistake by bringing Shelley here. I know Dylan likes her but he's hiding it because of Britt. I think Tyler likes her too. I hope that there isn't going to be fight between two of them because Shelley's part Malia plays Stiles,who plays Dylan, girlfriend and I haven't told anyone yet. She's just perfect for that part.

Next morning

Shelley's POV

Yesterday was pretty great. Everyone on the set are great and awesome. I think I am starting to get along with Arden.

Today I am finding about my character Malia. I hope she's good. Tyler asked me to go on coffee with him on break time.
I enter the studio and see everyone together talking,I go to them "Hi everyone. How are you today" "Hi Shelly" they all replied. "Hi Shelly, we were about to talk about your character,now when you are here I can tell you all together." Jeff said to me, "Oh great, I am dying to hear about her" I replied. "So here it's go. Her name is Malia, she is a girl who's been stuck in body of coyote for 8 years. She started changing during car ride with her mother and sister and she lost control and killed them. Scott and Stiles found her and turn her to humane. She eventually became Stiles girlfriend. That's all I gonna tell you for now" he told us. I was shocked,speechless.. She sound really messed up.
But what bothers me most is that I am going to play my best friends girlfriend. Maybe it is not going to be that bad. I am sure Britt would understand.
Tomorrow we are starting filming and I am super excited. I hope everything is gonna be okey.

Dylan's POV

Jeff just told us about Shelley character Malia and she is supposed to be my character girlfriend. I happy which is odd, but I am still happy. I know Britt is not going to be mad, she understands that that does not mean anything, expect in this case it means for me. I hope it is not going to be hard.
Tomorrow we are starting filming Stiles and Malia scene. I hope noting is going to get wrong.

Tyler's POV

SERIOUSLY!!! She is here to play Stiles girlfriend. What if he starts liking he or she starts liking him back. I know I like Arden , but she doesn't like me back and I think Shelly does. I going to ask her out tomorrow and maybe we start dating,I hope so.


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