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1. I always mess up the begining of Smooth Criminal and say the "Baaoooww!" In the wrong place. When I finally did get it right I was like, YASSSSS!!

2. I use random MJ song references and quotes in my everyday conversations and most people don't even notice.

3. Whenever someone asks me "Why?" I start singing, "Tell 'em that it's human nature!"

4. I sing "It aint too much for me to JAM!" Whenever I'm faced with something hard and I always seem to be able to work it out.

5. I love playing Heartbreaker with my friends and letting them know that Michael basically invented Dubstep.

6. I get defensive  whenever hear the word Wacko, even if it's not talking about Michael.

7. I secretly hope that I will marry a Virgo man with his last name being Jackson. :)

8. I spend all week learning a dance routine from a video, only to realize that it's mirrored and doesn't look right.

9. I wake up with an MJ song in my head every.single.morning.

10. I recently realized that every person I've seen with the name Tom or Chandler is evil. Like seriously, on TV and everything. It's always either Tom or Chandler.

11. I can't help but smile whenever I see Michael smile.

12. I did kiss the screen once because there was a VERY sexy picture of Michael on it.

13. I have had a love for everything that Michael does before I even knew who he was. So when I found out about him, I felt like he was my soulmate. Lol! :)

Do you guys agree with me? Do you have your own random MJ things? Comment!! 😀

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