Once I...

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Being a moonwalker, I tend to do a lot of crazy stuff sometimes! :)

Once I stayed up until 7AM because YouTube was on autoplay and I couldn't resist listening to more MJ songs.

Once me and my friends were at a sleepover and we were trying to find something that rhymes with "You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal!" Then my friend immedeately blurted out, "You've been hit by, you've been struck by moose genitals!"

Once I sang Heal the World loudly at the grocery store.

Once I tried to do the lean and fell on my face like an idiot. This was before I realized it was humanly impossible.

Once I caught my little brother singing Beat It while trying to dance like in the video. It was cute!

Once I was reading a dirty MJ fanfic, and my Mom walked in on me. That was super awkward!

Once I held a snake (I hate snakes!!!) because Michael did it.

Once I watched In The Closet with my family in the room.

Once I coaxed my Dad (who is a hater) to watch Smooth Criminal live and the first thing he said was, "Wow, his thighs are bigger than I remember he must be older in this video." I was like WTH??? Since when do you stare at MJ's thighs? I guess no one is immune to the gold pants!

Once I cluttered my friend's internet history late at night with a bunch of MJ stuff and the next morning she woke up, looked at her phone, and gave me a serious WTF look before deleting the history.

Once I couldn't remember the lyrics to Billie Jean but could remember the entire Invincible album without a problem. I actually had to go and look up the Billie Jean lyrics!

Once I set my alarm to BAD and I automatically woke up before it rang so I could hear the song.

OnceI stubbed my toe, instead of cursing, I just yelled Hee Hee! Aoooww!

Once my Mom was driving with her window down at a stoplight, and this other guy in a truck with his window down comes up and yells HEE-HEE!! at her really loud.

Once I got so mad seeing a tabloid in line at the store, that I sang Tabloid Junkie right there in line and other people just had to deal with it.

What's something that you've done once? Comment and vote! :)

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