Ch.2: Reunions

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My eyes first landed on Emmett Cullen. He was big, very very muscular, with dark curly-ish hair. Then his girlfriend Rosalie. She was the kind of girl you would see on the covers of magazines. She had figure, and golden hair that waved it the middle of her back. After that was Alice. She was like a pixie. She was thin with small features, and dark black, short cropped hair that was "spiked" in every direction. Then her boyfriend Ben. He was oddly cheerful and looked too young. He had olive skin and midnight hair. He was Egyptian. Next, was Jasper. He was taller and leaner then Emmett, but still muscular, with honey blonde hair. Last, was Edward. He was the most boy-ish I guess. He looked much older, like a college student or teacher, with bronze hair. They all, except Ben, had chalky pale skin and dark eyes.

They all smiled, with their beautiful and dazzling smiles.

"Hey Mel." Said Ben.

"You're back." I replied amused.

"Well we wondered what kind of trouble you got yourself into." Emmett joked, embrassing me in a huge, bone crushing bear hug.

"Ha-ha suprsingly none" I smiled. I hugged and greeted the rest, of course, saving Jasper for last since I've always kind of had something for him.

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