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Snoring and dreaming peacefully Kit Sune, a fifteen year old, suddenly jolted up as her alarm clock beeped at it's loudest repeatedly. She slammed her fist on the snooze button and it stopped. She sighed as the beeping still rung in her ears a little. She picked up her legs and kicked the Arrow comic covers off her body. She sluggishly sat up on the bed and stretched so far her back cracked.
She got up and walked towards her wardrobe. The hangers screeched against the metal bar holding the clothes up. She looked at the clothes tiredly and groaned. 'Another pathetic day at school' she thought as she put on the uniform. The short, checkered skirt, alternating between black and pink, and the plain white shirt could make anyone mistake her as your ordinary teenage girl. The school wasn't your top-notch school, the inspectors even said 'it has bad...well...everything.' But it was the only school local to Kit and her parents refused to move anywhere else.

Her parents try to make Kit act normal but she was different...she loved being different. She loved reading fairytales, the original ones with stepsisters cutting their heels and so on. The modern day clean ones miss half of the story. She loves animals but more than anything else...she loved anime and her favourite show? Inu x boku ss. Just something about soushi touches her heart. She kept thinking if it was his looks but no, however she couldn't conclude to another reason. Maybe it was because his eyes were like her hair, different colours? Yes, it must be that!

As she brushed her blonde side of the hair she tried imagining herself beside Soushi and the rest of the secret service. Then she got to her pink side and sighed as the happiness turned to sadness. The side that got her bullied. The bullies still carried on even today. "We will stop bullying" the school once said. They don't stick to it.

She walked into the kitchen, grabbed her lunch for the day and set off. What Kit Sune did not know was that she missed the small envelope addressed to her.

As she entered the school it all began:the bullying. People pointed and laughed at her natural hair. 'They are just jealous sweetie.' Her mother's soft voice rang through her mind. 'I'm jealous' Kit muttered under her breath.

She knew where she was going. The place she always goes. The most private place of all: the library. Because of all the technology nowadays, it's been abandoned. Only used by the teachers for meetings or for those students without computers. However, Kit has never seen the librarian, no one has. People said that they died but they can never find a reason to explain the cleanliness of the place, not a dust particle in sight.

She sat down on the small table, opened her Jacksepticeye bag and grabbed her sketchbook and art supplies. She could draw anything if she wanted to. Kit sat and decided to draw a mythical creature; a hippogriff. She loved the gentle creature off Harry Potter, such a graceful creature. She drew the bird body first then the horse legs last.

As she drew she swore she saw it move. Suddenly the hippogriff flapped it's wings and jumped out of the paper. It walked up to Kit and made it's version of a purr. She pet it as it continued to make the strange sound. Her head couldn't process what had happened but accepted the living myth under her soft hand. It suddenly jolted and turned around.

The hippogriff flapped it's wings ,fanning Kit in the process, and took off. Curious, Kit followed it to a door with a no entry sign on it. The hippogriff parked itself on Kit's shoulder as she touched the warm handle. 'Someone must have been here recently, the handle still has their body heat' Kit thought. She opened the door slowly incase it was unsafe. She tiptoed her way through the gap and quietly closed the door behind her.

The lights were already on and everything could be seen. There were signs that someone was there but yet no noise came from the room. Kit could only hear her own breathing and heartbeat. The hippogriff fell silent as well but suddenly it screeched in pain as it tore itself up into paper bits. Kit panicked.

"Come in child. I haven't had a child or a guest come in here for years." A voice from out of nowhere spoke. They spoke with a slight croak in their voice. Kit followed into the direction of the voice. She then saw a man with short orange hair. His eyes were blue with a hint of green, his face showing youth but his eyes showed age. Kit sat down on one of the chairs and spoke up.

"Your the librarian aren't you?" She asked more to herself than to the man in front of her

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"Your the librarian aren't you?" She asked more to herself than to the man in front of her. His eyes were wide but his lips curled into a smirk. He nodded as if he knew she needed more information. "How comes no one sees you? Did you kill my hippogriff?"

"All these questions from one curious little mind. So tell me Kit Sune, how did the hippogriff come to life? How did it lead you here? It must be fate." He questioned her just like she was with him. In his eyes she could see the answers to all her and his questions.

"It was all you" She stated before waking up on her bed just like this morning. But she noticed this time. A pink and yellow envelope on her beside table addressed to her.

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