The school of what?

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She stared at the pink and yellow envelope in her hands. It felt scaly but slightly fluffy unlike your normal cards. Kit Sune's brows furrowed with curiosity. Her red eye staring down as if could move at any moment. Her mismatched hair down and wavy, covered her blind left eye.

Now how did she lose sight in that eye? Well it was when she was eight. Her cousin and her boyfriend was looking after her for the night while her parents were on holiday. Her cousin went to the shop down the road and entrusted her boyfriend to look after Kit. But Kit disobeyed one of his commands which was to shut up and 'stab'. Let's just say he is in  prison for life. It all happened so quickly that Kit didn't know about it until she saw the kitchen knife in his hand covered in blood. Then she realised that she lost all sight in one eye. Her cousin found her curled up in a ball crying and the blood droplets on the carpet. Furthermore when she saw the knife in his hand she screamed and phoned the police. The fear struck on her face scared Kit so much that she promised herself that she wouldn't love a boy as they were untrustworthy.

As Kit held the letter and read it:

Kit Sune

You are invited to the special school of Mystery and Myths. If you wish to join the school for 'special' students you will have to go to your local library and visit the librarian in the store room. They will carry on with the rest of the instructions.

Yours sincerely,

Hippo Gryph.

Kit wondered what was meant by special. Did her parents not tell her crucial information? What was special about her? What was ssomam? She just had to ask her parents.

She walked down the steps, legs feeling like jelly. If they lied about her hair then who can she trust? She saw them on the sofa cuddling up. Kit cleared her throat to grab their attention.

"Yes dear?" Her mother asked.

"Did you know?" Kit mumbled. Her parents just stared at her. "I SAID, DID YOU KNOW?" She yelled.

"Know what?" Her father asked innocently.

"That I was different? That there is a school for 'special' students? That I'd be accepted?" Kit angrily spat.

"Yes honey, we did. Sorry Kit. It is the best if you didn't go. You have such a good family and frie-"

"FRIENDS? WHAT FRIENDS? YOU NEVER LISTEN!!!!" HOW CAN I TRUST A WORD YOU SAY?" Kit cried storming upstairs, packing her stuff.

A few minutes later, she returned downstairs with her death note suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Her father asked angrily.

"To the school Library. I can finally find out who I really am. See you never!" She screamed slamming the door behind her. However, she didn't know where to go for the night. So she decided to head straight for the library.

She snuck into her school library, found the store room and found the Librarian. He wasn't wearing your typical librarian outfit. It was more like a headteachers outfit. He looked sophisticated but cool at the same time. His youthful face looked calm and collected.

"Are you sure Kit Sune? Once you go there is no coming back until you graduate. 8 years is a long time you know." He asked in his serious voice. Kit simply nodded. He grabbed her spare hand, other holding her awesome suitcase, and walked to a strange looking door. It was big and golden in colour.

He opened the door to a small office like space that looked slightly blurred. Kit wondered if it was portal into another world. How right was she? 100%. It tickled her as she walked on through but it soon stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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