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I’m festering on the basement level,

Below everyone; below life,

Like a deep, dark,

Unmentionable secret.

My voice is but an incoherent whisper;

Insignificant, unheard.

And, clever as I am,

I just can’t find my way out.

It’s an inescapable labyrinth,

Just a few, silent watchers

Loitering, sharing the vast level.

Each is content in keeping to himself,

Not caring as the world passes him by in a blur.

But not me.

I’m not  just a shy watcher;

I don’t belong, here, below.

I have to escape this monotonous, polite torture.

But there’s no way out,

The walls are high and

Infinitely long,

The doors are barricaded,

Existing only in my brain.

InsignificantDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora