Inferior Backup

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She acts just like she's perfect,

Showing off a front;

Her true colours cunningly disguised

Behind a mask of

Fake golden curls and inch-thick make-up.

She talks as though she's special;

Calls the attention all to her,

So she can bask in the limelight,

A sly serpent.

She pretends like she doesn't care;

That the attention means nothing to her,

But when you're her inferior, her backup, her 'friend,'

Its plain to see she's begging for the comments,

She's desperate for the glares...

All the while shes competing;

Curliest hair, heaviest makeup, prettiest smile, newest clothes, best brands

Its degrading, exhausting, 

I'm her booster seat,

Her leg up,

Her best friend,

A no-one.

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