2 Conversations with an Acquaitance

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"If you can't tell someone how you feel whether it's love, annoyance, hurt feelings and even anger then they will never be more than acquaintances."


"Thank god it's finally Friday! If I have to spend another day in cooped up in this office I swear I'd go mental!" Marge groaned in delight at the thought of the forthcoming weekend. The petite brunette was always ever so eager for the weekend so that she could visit all the new and happening clubs of the week. She was a glam girl but thankfully her head was on right. 

"I know right? I'm actually looking forward to the weekend." Lizzy muttered the last bit under her breath. She couldn't stop herself from giving her excitement away. 

"You're looking forward to coming to office on a weekday because you have nothing else to do?" Marge's face took on a look of suspicion as she eyed Lizzy through narrow eyes. Yes, she was known to work even on weekends but she took it on like a routine. Never was she excited about working on a Saturday unless...

"Wait a second!" A bulb went off in Marge's head and she stomped over to where Lizzy was standing. She placed her hands on Lizzy's shoulders and shook her like a Christmas tree. 

"This isn't about work is it?" Marge looked at the now blushing Lizzy with astonishment etched upon her face. "Oh my Gawd!" She let out a loud squeal as her thoughts were confirmed. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Iz?" 

"Margeeee." Lizzy groaned loudly. She knew Marge would react in such a way which was why she was hiding from her for almost the entire week. "It's nothing. I'm just going out for dinner with someone I met. It's no big deal."

"Oh really now? The one person who I've always known to work day and night, even though she has no work, is now ditching work to meet someone for dinner."

"It's not like we actually have to work on weekends. So technically, I'm not ditching." Lizzy knew this was the begging to a long conversation and Marge wasn't going to let her go free until she knew every single detail, not that there were many details to begin with.

"And you realize that now? Now who is this guy who has finally knocked it in your head that weekends are meant to be holidays?"

"Who said it's a guy?" Lizzy replied with a smirk. 

"After years of trying to hook you up with guys and years of trying to drag you to a club with my girlfriends and you saying a blatant no every time, I'm very sure it's a guy. Unless of course your date is a girl and you're secretly lesbian, which I know you're not."

"And I can't be lesbian because?"

"Because you would've fallen for me and begged me to marry you by now if you were. I mean, who can resist me?" Marge winked and flipped her glossy hair for extra effect.

Lizzy couldn't help but laugh out loud at this. She knew she'd been caught in the act and she might as well spill to beans to her.

"So tell me already Iz, who is this prince charming of yours?"

"Good God! No prince charming! Remember the guy I met at the cafe on Monday. The one who I spilt coffee on..." Lizzy trailed off seeing the look on Marge's face.

"Him? But you don't know him! Wait...how'd he contact you?"

"The coffee mug."

Marge scrunched up her face in confusion and looked at Lizzy to elaborate further.

"The napkin on the coffee mug. He wrote his number on it and asked me to dinner"


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