4 Conversations with an Architect

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“A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart.”

-Frank Lloyd Wright

 "Shouldn't you have already left for the meeting?" Marge was munching down on a vegan sub in her cabin while Lizzy finished narrating the happenings of yesterday's meeting with the client.

"I still can't believe the client was actually the Reid Taylor! What are the odds?" Marge wiped her mouth with a tissue and chucked the used paper in the bin. She was quick in taking out her compact mirror and re-applying her lipstick.

Lizzy rolled her eyes at Marge while she was dabbing at her lips. She herself had but a simple layer of gloss on hers, something that she usually wouldn't have bothered about but today seemed to be a special day.

"Anyways, as I was saying, why haven't you left yet?"

"Well, he told me to wait in front of the building at 12:30pm. Said he was sending someone to pick me up."  Lizzy glowed as she replied to Marge. 

"Wait. Your client is picking you up? First the change in restaurant and now this. " Marge walked over to Lizzy and pushed her down on the chair. She held Lizzy by the shoulders and calmly said, "Iz, listen carefully because I'm only going to tell you this once. This man is a God-send. He's cute, rich and actually likes you. My suggestion: Marry the man! There's no way yo're going to get another one of him!"

Lizzy narrowed her eyes at the last statement. "Are you saying that no other man will ever fall for me or I'm that bad?"

Marge took a step back and looked shocked at her friend's accusation. This wasn't like Lizzy. "Wow tiger. I didn't mean it like that. Considering this is the only man that you've shown mutual interest in in all these years, don't let him go. You do realize you're quite difficult to...please, right?"

Lizzy's expression immediately softened. "I'm sorry Marge. I don't know what gotten over me today." She let out a soft sigh and continued. "There's just something about him; and I don't mean just an attraction. I can't seem to figure it out. He makes me want to change; to not act like someone I'm not and become the person I am on the inside."

From the expression on Marge's face, it was clear that she didn't understand a single word. Lizzy let out a chuckle. "Anyways, I'd better get going. I have people to meet and places to be."

And with a brilliant smile, Lizzy got up and elegantly exited her cabin awaiting her conversation with the architect.


"An Italian restaurant on Saturday and a French bistro on Thursday. I could date you just for your choice of food." 

Lizzy let out a short burst of laughter as she sat herself upon the seat that Reid was holding out for her. He then moved to the other side of the table to take his seat. Upon hearing her comment, Reid winked and asked Lizzy, "That's the only reason you'd date me?"

The result was immediate; Lizzy's face turned beetroot red, something that Reid found rather amusing. Before either of them could say anything, the waiter arrived asking for their order.

"Allow me the pleasure of ordering for you, mi'Lady?" Reid turned to Lizzy grinning. She nodded meekly, the blush on her face still obvious.

Reid turned to the waiter. "I'll have the sea food bisque and the lady will have the foie gras and green onions in duck jus. For the main course we'll have...the chef's special?"

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