20 questions

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Im am answering 20 questions that I found on google! You can also comment any more questions here. I will answer them ASAP! Thanks!
Q1. I cannot leave the house with out... money, my phone, gum, and hair ties.

Q2. My favorite brand of makeup is... Burt's bees! I love their lipstick.

Q3. Favorite flower Hmmm.... Probably Carnations.

Q4. For Fav clothing store, I love Aeropostial.

Q5. My favorite perfume would be basically anything from Bath And Body Works.

Q6. Heels or flats? Flats. Heels hurt.

Q7. Do you have* good grades? Yes.

Q8. I like peach and teal for colors.

Q9. No I dont drink energy drinks.

Q10. Yes, juice is good.

Q11. I love swimming.

Q12. Um no. I do not eat fries with a fork.

Q13. Burt's bees face lotion.

Q14. Yes I do want to get married later on in life.

Q15. I do defiantly get mad easily.

Q16. I do believe in ghosts yes.

Q17. I am scared of spiders and clowns.

Q18. I do not bite my nails.

Q19. Yes, when I was little I almost drowned and a dresser fell on me, I got a concussion from that.

Q20. I do drink coffee. I love it.
Hope you liked my 20 questions!!

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