Game day and a date?

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Bella's POV

I woke up the next morning looked over at Jane, she was fast asleep. I sat up and got dressed in a cute yellow dress with a blue belt. After fully getting ready, I looked over at Jane again. It was cute that she was sleeping still but it was time for her to wake up. So I stood up on her bed and started jumping, "Wake up Jane!" I shouted while jumping up and down. She groaned and hit my leg causing me to fall making me laugh. "You're evil. I don't like you." She fake pouted I sat up on her bed and smiled. "Yea but you love me because I'm your bestie." I giggled and laid across her stomach. "Now get up and shower, we got a game to be at." Jane pushed me off and started getting ready as well. Jane just wore a plain light blue dress and we both headed off to the girls locker room. Once Jane and I were there we went our separate ways. After getting dressed in my cheer uniform, I started helping her put her armor on to be the mascot. After what felt like forever. we walked out to the field. Once the game, started I cheered Ben on. I also cheered for Carlos and Jay since they're new to the team and no one else cheered for them. They're really not that bad plus I kind of like Carlos. As we cheered, Jay kept scoring causing us to win. The crowd went crazy because we finally won a game. I was about to run to Ben when he grabbed the mic from the referee and said that he had something to say. I stared at him until he got the crowd to spell out Mal. I was shocked when he said that he loved her. I'm not gonna lie, I was happy. It was so cute as he started singing to Mal. I wished that could happen to me, but I doubt it. He then he asked her to coronation. Mal shouted yes in the microphone, I cheered for them. I was jumping around with glee. "Looks like someone's happy." Carlos said behind me with a smile. I jumped a bit turning around and blushed. "W-Well I'm happy if Ben's happy. Plus I kind of never really liked Audrey, she was mean to me and stuck up." I replied. Carlos just laughed at my reply and agreed about Audrey. "So I wanted to again apologize for bumping to you again. I wasn't looking at where I was going." I smiled at him. "It was no big deal, honestly. I wasn't looking either." He smiled back. "So, how have you liked it here? Any problems?" He shook his head. "Not really. But I would like to maybe hang out and get to know you better. If that's okay." I smiled big and bounced on my toes a bit. "I would love to!" I blushed a bit due to my excitement. "I got to go now, I got to go get fitted for the coronation but I'll see you later. Yeah?" He nodded. "Yeah." I blushed then waved good bye and ran. I was so excited!!!!!

The next day

Ben and I were in out office room when he told me he asked Mal on a date. I was so happy Ben asked Mal on a date!!! After hearing the news I instantly ran over to Mal and Evie's room to help Mal get ready. I knocked on the door as Mal opened up. "Hey, I'm here to help if that's okay." Evie smiled and pulled me inside. "We need all the help we can get!" Evie and I got Mal ready. "So how's it like being a princess and Ben's sister?" Evie asked. "Well I will admit the tiaras, dresses, the fun I have is amazing..... but it is not all fun really." Mal frowned. "Why is that?" I slightly smiled then sighed. "kind of sucks being a princess who only has 3 friends, and one is your brother. I'm a princess who doesn't have popularity or guys falling at her feet. So I get picked on because of that. I'm also a clumsy person so people feel the need to point out my flaws. I just feel sometimes I'm not important," I looked down, "Jane was the only one who understood me, that's how we became besties. Her and sometimes Doug was always there for me." Mal and Evie comforted me while tear went to my cheek. A knock was then heard. I wiped my eyes and stood up. Mal walked over and opened the door to see Ben and Carlos. "Ready ladies?" Ben smiled. Mal then looked over to me confused. I looked at her just as confused. "Carlos? What are you doing here?" I walked next to Mal. "Oh, I ran into Carlos on my way here. I decided that you and Carlos should come along?" I blushed as Carlos nodded. "Yeah, if that is okay with you Bella." Carlos smiled and blushed. Evie then pushed Mal and I back "I'll have them both ready in a bit." Evie then shut the door as she then worked her magic on me too. Evie put me in a strapless floral white dress with blue and yellow flowers. My hair was in a half up half down hair do and my make up was yellow eyeshadow with a red lip. I also had red heals with a light white jacket. Mal open the door again as Ben smiled. "I hope you ladies like to ride." Carlos handed me a white helmet has he had a red one. Mal had green and Ben had blue. Mal and I waved bye at Evie and followed the boys.

Love at first Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora