Study Hall

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I can't stand school. the taunting and torment of meat headed jocks. Or the dirty looks from the prissy pops, or the pity friendships of a few kids. The only part i like is going home, and maybe study hall. The teacher there, Mrs. Romano. She seems to be the only person who genuinely cares about me and my mental health. If she see's i'm in a depressed state shell come over and check on me, see whats wrong. Shes a kind and sweet soul. But when you look in her eyes... you see she isn't okay either.Her eyes are blue, diamond blue, and they have dark blue speckles. You see she tries to hide her stories, her eyes are always distant and far. She doesn't act like her true self much. Shes like me, but stronger.  I'm not as courageous. I wish I had the strength of Mrs. Romano. 

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