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Crybaby(Based off Melanie Martinez' song)

Troye POV

You've seemed to replaced your brain with your heart

My heart started beating faster as I starter climbing into the stage the crowd cheering me on.I looked at everyone in the crowd gaining even more anxiety. Everyone's faces started to appear blurrier my vision worsening by the second.People looked at me in worry the music starting in the background waiting for me to begin my performance.I looked to the side my boyfriend , Connor, giving me a worry-filled look.What I hadn't noticed is that the crowd had looked to the side as well.The fangirls immediately started shouting. 

You take things so hard and then you fall apart

"Tronnor!Tronnor!"They chanted.Black dots began to dance my vision as my breathing grew faster.


You try to explain but before you can start

"Troye baby,wake up"I awoke to a soft whisper.I looked around and noticed I was in my changing room.I looked to the side and saw Connors worried expression.I instantly sat up beginning to explain.

Those crybaby tears come out of the dark

"I'm so sorry Connor I don't know what got into me oh my gosh look at the time I have to get back on stage Connor I can't leave the crowd waiting this long Connor I have to get out"I say getting off the comfortable couch I was laying on jogging towards the stage.When i get on I noticed it was cleared and empty.Connor came from behind grabbing my shoulder gently.

Someones turning the handle to the faucet in your eyes

"We decided to delay the concert until tomorrow.Don't worry it won't affect any other dates Troye"Connor said tenderly his voice filled with love.I looked at him.

You're pouring out where everyone can see

"Okay Connah"I replied knowing he only cared for my well-being.

"Lets take you home"His soft, delicate voice rang through my ears.He wrapped his arms around my shoulders guiding my frail body towards the car where we drove back to the hotel.We got in and stripped down later jumping into bed.

I hope tomorrows better.


They call you crybaby crybaby

Connor was cuddling next to me.Today was one of the worst performances I'd ever had.The fangirls were absolutely insane.Cheering out 'Tronnor' in between the performance and one even threw a water bottle with a picture of Connor taped onto it.I actually cried mid-performance.It was so bad that I had to end it after just 6 songs(illumanati confirmed).I'm just happy its over and that Connors here.I left a lingering loving peck on Connors cheek.A tear falling down my own as I whispered an 'I love you' but Connor was already asleep.



Okay I know this is crap but its just an introduction I swear it'll get better.

Anyways have a nice day.

*farts rainbow because I'm gay asf*


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