Panic! by myself

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Speechless, no words, empty, nothing can come out, if I try to open my mouth I feel only my insides will burst through all my orifices.

If I let myself think I will literally explode, for I am filled with panic, and don't know how to cope.

I could cry but it will lead to so much worse. 

Either way I'm supposed to be the strong one aren't I? Not the one that makes things worse.

Don't try to speak to me I'm afraid I will burst.

Guilty when I haven't done anything but wish I had the power to do everything I can.

Then again, what would I do. 

Panic begins to fade but I know if I lose my grip it will be even stronger.

Patient but rushed.

Don't show it though, don't want anyone to know.                                                                                              

Again the panic is settling in, afraid of what may happen, afraid of what has happened, afraid of the past, present, and future.

my eyes sting and burn and i push through so hard to make sure they don't fall out but just their presence is enough to make my breathing all ragged again.

Why are us humans so self-centered?

So selfish




Can't finish this but my thoughts will continue, possibly for an eternity.

This is a memory I will choose to not forget.

Strong but weak.

Staring at my own feat

Accepting my own feats.


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