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Connors POV

I am tired of this place I hope people change

This always happens to me,I think as tears rush down my face.

I need time to replace what I gave away

Why?Stupid heart.Why do you always have to like someone that would never like you back?

And my hopes they are high I must keep them small

"Who do you like now?"My mother sneered at me

I opened my mouth but couldn't bring myself to say it.

Though I try to resist I still want it all

My dumb self had begun to acquire feelings for someone online,someone that I've never even seen.I don't even know how this person looks like and I already like them.

"You thirsty whore"My mom snapped again

A sob wracked through my body my vision blurring.

I ran up to my room locking my door,pulling out my phone to text my good friend Tyler

He was the one that got me into this mess.


(These are texts btw)

T:Lol I just realized you don't have my friends number

C:Which?I thought I knew all of your friends.

T:Oh this is one of my friends from middle school so you don't know them

C:Lol so can I like prank the or something?

T:Go ahead,Their number is xxx-xxx-xxxx

*Flashback over*

That's how it all began.

One simple joke.

How did I even get feelings for a guy who I've never even seen before?My stupid heart always follows people it can't get.It's happened before.

*Another flashback oops*

My mouth dropped open as I opened the door to reveal my boyfriend laying down a naked girl bouncing on him

*Flashback over*

But Troye can't be like that right?Ugh I can't believe it.How is it that I haven't learned from all these past experiences.Even after Ashton,who I'd prefer to just pretend never happened.

I stood in front of the mirror my hair messy.I took my shirt off.

'Disgusting' 'Too skinny' 'Ugly' 'Worthless'

These are the thoughts that pass through my head as my eyes roam through my chest,my torso.I take my pants on after,leaving me in my underwear.I stare at my legs,at the disgusting thigh gap.I take a look at my razor but decided against it.I can't keep in these feelings in forever though.I sigh turning my shower on to the hottest temperature.I fall down and sit.The water hit my back as water started to pour out of my eyes.Why can't I just not be able to like anyone I'm not sure will return my feelings.I stare at my thighs,my bum,my chest.Why can't I be beautiful?Not even my body can make up for my faces unattractiveness.  

Why would Troye like me back?The only reason he hasn't stopped talking to me is probably since he hasn't seen me and doesn't realize how annoying and ugly I actually am.I sat in the shower silently crying and thinking.The water had begun to become old though.I stepped out looking for a towel so I didn't have to see the grotesque thing known as me.

Connor Franta

Only fools fall for you.....

Based on true events

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