Chapter 17

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I mentally shook off the moment Harry and I just previously shared. Walking up the stairs, I mindlessly searched for the keys in my tie-dye bag. Harry leaned against the wall beside the door as I walked towards him. Growing frustrated by my well hidden keys, well, I wouldn’t say “hidden”, they’re thrown in there somewhere underneath all of the shit I keep in this bag. I slid the strap off of my shoulder and held the sack in my hands, signaling Harry, so he could hold it while I buried underneath the rubble. He caught on to what I was requesting and held it in those large hands of his not silently, of course. It always seemed like he’d chuckle no matter what around me. Overlooking his usual grin, I shifted several items within the bag, still searching for my missing keys. Of course, curly wasn’t going to stay silent forever.

“Jesus Charlie, what the hell do you keep in there?” he asked peering into the black hole.

I rolled my eyes and simply replied, “Just stuff.” Men, like seriously, us women are notorious for carrying oversized purses with junk in them. You’d think the male species would have caught on to this by now.

With my impatience, in addition to Harry’s, rising, I finally started to remove some of the larger items. I took out my sketchbook, placing it between my thighs to hold it steady. Harry, being his nosy and cheeky self, stuck his hand in the pit of many items moving several of it around. Quickly I gave his hand a small smack and witnessed it darting out of the bag. “You shouldn’t snoop through a girl’s purse Styles.” I huffed in disapprobation. “

“Why? What exactly do you keep in there Charles? Anything I should know about?” He eyed me with a humourous suspicion and continued, “Those kinky riding whips? Sex toys? An erotic novel?” He snickered as I scoffed under my breath, “I’m sure you’d enjoy that…” He hummed in response and kept waiting for the seemingly impossible finding of my keys.

Next, I removed my brush, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire hardcover book, pencil bag, pain meds, and ear buds. Believe it or not, those were just a few items. Just picture my bag as the one in that Mary Poppins film. I wouldn’t be surprised to find my adorable horse, Aero, in there as well.

 Some of the items I removed, I had given to Harry to clutch in the free space of his arms while I did the same with the rest. 

"You carry all of this around everyday?" he asked in astonishment.

"Of course." I snapped back. Finally, I found those pesky house keys tangled in with another pair of headphones for backup. 

"And Harry Potter books are a necessity to hang on to?" he questioned my behavior with a giggle. Okay Harry, I got it I'm weird,  I mentally growled in my mind.

Completely doing the opposite of what I was thinking, I shrugged at his comment and responded back simply,  "I don't know, it's convenient whenever I'm bored." 

At that point I threw all of the stuff we removed from my bag back in and claimed it from Harry's hands. I slid it back onto my shoulder and sauntered to the door. 

Carefully, I inserted the key into the doorknob and gently turned. Finally, the warmth and coziness of my flat fulfilled my senses as I walked through the doorframe with Harry close behind. We were happily greeted by my furry cat companion. Instantly she rubbed against my leg, and did the same to Harry's. She's certainly taken a liking to him.

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