Chapter 1

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Niall's P.O.V

"NIALL!!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE, YOU FAGOT!" It's the first thing I hear in the morning that causes me to jerk up. That's my brother, Greg. He's the only family I have, but it doesn't even feel like it.

My mother died giving birth to me, so I don't know her. The current Luna has shown me pictures of her and my dad and she would tell me stories about them, I don't know anything about my parents. My mom had blond hair and blue eyes, she was small and petite, but the Luna said she was the best female warrior they ever had and I'm guessing that's why people hate me, because I killed her.

My father was the Beta, the best Beta in history they say. He listened to the pack and thought about them when he was making decisions, unlike the Betas before him. He was able to control the Alpha during his wild days in high school and was able to help the Alpha make Blue Moon the strongest pack in UK/Ireland.

Oh yeah, maybe I should explain. Our pack is huge, so our pack mates are scattered all over the UK and Ireland, but they still report to the same Alpha and Luna.

"I SAID GET DOWN HERE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Greg yelled again, effectively snapping me out of my thoughts. I jumped out of bed and looked at the clock to see that I'm actually late by two hours. Shit!

I ran downstairs still wearing the sweaty, bloody clothes I was wearing yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, you see where I'm going with this. I get to the kitchen of the pack house and I see my fuming brother, who has been the Beta since our father died.

"Where is breakfast?!" He asked me but I only looked down. I remember where I was actually his brother, when he treated me nice and cared about me. I smiled a bit at that, but it was quickly swiped off my face when I felt a hand connect with my cheek.

"I've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes! Why are you not listening to me?" He said.

I looked at him with a smile. "I went back in time, I'm sorry." I said softly. I saw his soften for a bit but quickly covered it and made his face hard again.

"Stop daydreaming and your job before the Alpha gets here." His voice cracked a bit and he left after punching me in the gut.

I quickly went to work and started cooking and setting the table. Halfway through my friend, Denise, walked in. She is the only one, other than the Luna, that treats me like an actual human being. "Hey." She said with a small smile and I nodded back before we went to work.

We finished 30 minutes later and that's when the pack came in to eat. I quietly slipped out of the kitchen and went to my room to shower and wear my school clothes. Our school doesn't have a uniform but I'm always wearing the same clothes everyday.

I finished quickly and went down to clean the kitcken before leaving for school, but when I got down, Luna and Denise were already cleaning. "No, it's alright. I'll clean." I said to them.

"No. Go on to school, we got this." Luna said and kissed my cheek before picking my bag from the floor for me and pushing me out the door.

I silently said my thank you and left for school.


I walked into school and was instantly hit by the scent of chocolate and fresh air and then my wolf said something that almost gave me a heart attack. "Mate!" Another thing I saw was a trail of brown, chocolate brown, and I think it will lead me to my mate. But people said nothing about a trail, they only talked about a scent and tingles.

Now the thing that my pack doesn't know about me is that when I reached ten, I had already shifted when others only shift at thirteen, only Luna knows this. My wolf is white with three black steaks going down my back, when I asked Mystic, my wolf, out them, he said they are my powers. The power to control the elements, the power to read minds and telekinesis, and the power to absorb any poisoning fed to me and vomit it out instead of it killing me and to heal quickly. Which will all be activated when I mate. So it doesn't surprise me that my wolf was able to smell our mate two months before our birthday.

I followed that scent just to see who it was. I hope they are not 18 yet because I don't think I can handle rejection right now, I have to prepare first. I rounded a corner that led to my locker and my heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was.

There he stood, with a wide smile and crinkled eyes. He was with his circle of friends and they were all laughing at something someone said, but he had an arm around his girlfriend, Sophia.

I just shook my head and went to my locker, but I had to walk passed them to get there. "Hey Cocksucker, has your wolf decided to show up yet, or did it also kill himself?" Brandon asked, he was the future third in command. You see, people think my parents killed themselves because they were ashamed of me. Idiots.

I looked down and walked passed them and to my locker. I opened it and switched my books before closing it and heading to my homeroom, which I have with Liam and Sophia and I know it's gonna suck having to see my mate in another's arms.

But it's alright because I'm preparing myself for his 18 birthday next month when he rejects me.


I'm dedicating my chapters to the first person who comments.

The person who I'm dedicating this to is the one who basically introduced me to the world of fanfics. I don't know what I was doing on the internet when I stumbled across one of her stories on AO3, so I guess I should thank you.

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