Chapter 2

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Sometimes I wish I could read peoples minds. Well doesn't anybody? Well first of all I have 4 classes with him not including lunch and today he walked up to me in language arts and this is when my head started to spin. I couldn't think straight.

"Hey Ken, what's homework for math?" Zack said to me.

Ken is my nickname from him cause I've known him since 4th grade but my real name is Kennedy. But all I heard was mumbles since I couldn't think straight.

"I don't know. " I said with a confused face.

"Ok?????" Zack said while looking very confused.

I'm the kind of person that knows all the homework so thats why he was confused. The bell rang, thank god since that conversation was getting weird and he was probably getting suspicious. I then realized I had my next class with him, choir, and he sits next to me.

In the beginning of choir class we have ten minutes to talk and of course Zack was talking to me.

"You never really gave me an answer to my question in language arts."

"Oh yea, sorry about that. Our homework is to find a partner in any class, they don't have to be in the same period as you and work on pages 379-400 in our textbook."

"Ok thanks. Oh but do you have a partner yet??"

"Ummm no, why? " I said smiling to myself.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to be mine, so you know, we can hang out a little more. "

My heart started to beat like crazy when he asked this.

"Ummm yea sure I'll be your partner. Where do you wanna meet up to work? "

"My house would be fine," he said with a huge smile. "if its fine with you?"

"Yea definitely, that would be awesome. I'll just have to ask my parents to see if its Ok with them. I'll text you when I get an answer."

"Ok, talk to you later then. Bye!" He said walking away.

The rest of the day I've was wondering why he has been acting weird around me. Like his face has been extremely red while talking to me. And mine has too. For the last week when I talk to him my face has been really red, it always does when I talk to my crush. Later on in the day the bell rings and I head to my locker to get my stuff to go home. I get on the bus and I sat by myself and I think to myself, why do I like, how could I like him?!? I mean he has been my best friend since 4th grade!! And then I had an idea. When I go over there tonight I'm gonna tell him how I feel. I put my ear buds on after my thought and blast the music so it blocks out everyone else and stare out the window, yes I'm one of those people, then its my stop. I get off the bus and head up the driveway still thinking if I should tell him how I feel.

"I'm gonna tell him!" I say very quickly and quite so no one hears and I head towards my house thinking about tonight.

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