Chapter 3

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"Hello?!? " I say walking into my door to see if my parents are home.

"Hi honey" my dad said.

"Hey can I go over to Zack's tonight?"

"Yea, of course you can. He really is a good friend of yours isn't he? " he said with a smile.

"yea, thanks. " I said walking to my room.

I headed to my room and sat on my bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"My dad said I can come over." I texted Zack.

"Cool. I'll pick u up in like 30 minutes. K? " he sent within 1 minute of my text.

"yea that will be fine. See you then. Bye" I sent

I packed my bag with my books from school. I'm wearing a shirt that has a tank top under it in case it gets hot in his room, which it usually it does. So I'll pack some shorts cause I have jeans on. I sit on my bed just thinking about tonight.

"it has to be perfect when I tell him." I say extremely quietly.

I hear a knock on the front door and then I hear it open.

I hear whispering then "Honey Zack's here. "

I head down stairs with my bag and I see him. He hugs me an I smile.

"Nice to see you again Ken." he said joking around.

"Yep," I said looking at him. "bye mom, bye dad!" I say heading out the door with Zack.

We get in the car and head towards his house. As we do this we talk about random stuff. We pull I to his drive about seven minutes later. We start to head into his house. I step into his house and we head to his room as he says hi to his parents.

"You know where to put your bag right?." he said smiling cause he knew I knew where to put my bag. Like I mean he IS my best friend and I go over to his house all the time. I think I should know to where put my bag.

"Yep." I said laughing quietly and heading toward the side of his room where my bag always goes, which is by his bed.

As I sat my bag down he tackled me and I fell on his bed. My face got extremely red. My heart was pounding but I was laughing and then he started tickling me, but its kinda not fair because I'm extremely ticklish and he's not ticklish at all. I laugh extremely hard and then he stops.

My face starts to die down a little and then he says "hey do you want to play a game on the computer? "


He headed toward the computer and he sat down on the chair and said "let me pull up the game and then you can sit down here."

"nah I'll stand."

"we can share the seat" he says smiling as the game is pulled up. He puts his legs in a v shape.

"How am I supposed to sit.. " he pulled me down on his lap by my waist before I could finish my question. I could feel my face get red again. Then bit was like he wanted my face to get more red because he put his hand to my cheek.

"your face gets any more red it will burst." he said looking at me. "The game is called Five Nights at Freddy's and the objective of the game is to get it through five nights. Six hours each night. You have to keep checking the cameras but you shouldn't keep them up for too long or the animatronics will seek up on you and scare you."

"k" I get comfortable on Zack's lap and I start playing. I make it through the first night with ease and then Zack plays night two. He gets through it with ease and then i play night three and I almost finish the night and then die.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed

"oh god" he said to me when I screamed. "oh by the way do u want to stay the night my parents don't care?"

"I'll text my mom first to see if its Ok."

I text my mom and she replies instantly with a yes.

"I guess I'm staying the night." I say with a huge smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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