Im in love with you!i think? Pt.1

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Hunter was getting ready for the day, I wasn't sure where we were going but I was just going to try and wake up a bit more. After a few minutes I got up and grabbed a   black t-shirt and grey leggings and high tops and a SnapBack I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and get changed. About fifteen minutes after I got out of the bathroom. Hunter was in the kitchen pouring us some orange juice. I grabbed myself a bowl for some yogurt with granola in it. Hunter  stood behind me and hugged me. He told me that he loved me. When I was going to say it back I stuttered. I couldn't say it back. I don't know why. Hunter: hey babe we're going back to the PNE. We got onto the bus and he gripped my thigh he kissed me. A boy from my school said " damn girl you got a big booty come bring it over here". Hunter walked over to him and punched his face and gave him a bloody nose.

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