I love you i think? Part 2

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I had a dream last night that I was in my mid 40's married to someone else with five kids who looked like Hunter. He and I always talked about getting engaged. I started thinking that maybe we weren't ment for eachother. He woke up and he tried to kiss me but I dodged his kiss. I don't know why. He asked me if I was okay. I kissed him back but I ended up biting his bottom lip. I felt awful for doing this to him. I tried to say I love you but I stuttered on the word love it cam out as " I luh luh luh like you". I don't like how it came out I felt awful. A few hours later I came back from the bathroom and all his stuff was gone and there was a note on the couch that said " I'm sorry that I left without notice but I realized that your not able too say I love you back to me,you dodge my kisses and lately you've been moody I'm taking a little break,when your ready call me p.s you'll always be my number one girl. I cried for hours. I called my sister but she was too busy with her boyfriend. I ended up really depressed that I started cutting my wrist. After a few weeks I got better. I felt better then ever. I started designing my own clothes. I wore a black crop top with a red strap going diagonally down and black leggings with white straps going straight down the sides with "just being me" on the the back of my left thigh. With black high tops with green shoelaces and a black SnapBack. I went to the dance club and started dancing. I felt great. I accidentally backed into someone. It ended up being Hunter. He was alone he was wearing the same outfit the first day we met. He asked me to dance. " sure". We danced for hours. We ended up kissing. I missed him so much. We got back to my house. We talked for hours. Hunter said " I think we should get back together". I said "I love you so much, I'm sorry that we ever broke up". We started making out on the couch. We were getting tired. We cuddled together on the couch. I slept for eight hours. Hunter slept for nine hours.i made him breakfast. He took a shower. I changed into shorts and a black shirt and took my long board to the beach. I left a note saying " meet me at the beach,I wanted to do something special for you p.s I love you so much". I got to the beach I went up to the water. After a minute someone came up to me and wrapped their  hands around my waist. I turned around and it was a boy that I met the second week of my depression. He made me feel better. I forgot about him. A few minutes after I told him that I was with someone else and he got so pissed off at me he grabbed my wrist so tight that one of my cuts opened up again. He said" you really think that your wrist won't get any more cuts sooner or later you'll begin to cut again,maybe I'll help you with that now" he grabbed out a razor blade. He was ready to cut my wrist. But then one of the workers at the gift shop grabbed me and pushed him away from me. He ran away. The worker asked if I was okay. He said " ma'm are you okay, that psycho has been coming around here for a long time, he's been grabbing girls roughly for a long time, I'm surprised that he's not in jail yet, by the way what's a young beautiful girl like you doing here alone" i told him I had a boyfriend. " I'm so sorry, I had no idea, but anyways my name is Noah" I said goodbye to Noah and went up to the store and bought two cherry slushes, it was hunters favourite flavour. Hunter arrived a few moments later. We talked for hours.  I'm glad that we got backed together.

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