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THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO scarlet_prii. Thanks for your amazing comments sis. I couldn't stop lolling.

I ran away so fast that i completely forgot that andy was also there with me. i was already half away on the way back when i heard honking of a car behind. I look back to find andy chasing me or more precisely driving behind me. i stopped on my tracks and he did the same.

"can i interest you in a ride back?" he asked.

I couldn't help but feel guilty at that moment. i have already ruined his day by making him drive here and on top of that i forget him there. He didn't seem mad and we just rode along silently for ten minutes before he broke the silence

"so i take it that things didn't go well?"

"no, he was fine more than fine actually. He treated me really well and was nice to me and then all of a sudden i over stayed my welcome at least according to him."

" well to be honest i honestly thought it was going to be worse than that. So kudos to him for bring nice for sometime at least." Amdy said in a mocking tone and i playfully punched him in the shoulder making him grin. He drove with one hand and offered his free shoulder to me which i accepted as i rested my head on it on the ride back home.

"can i tell you something and promise not to judge me?"

"when have i ever judged you?"

" you might after i say this."

I looked at him confused before he faced me. we stopped at a red light for a minute giving him a chance to look me in the eye before he announced his absurd idea

"i think that damien taylor is interested in you."

"and i think you need to get your head checked."

"i think you underestimate your allure Rebecca. i mean, this is going to sound creepy and inappropriate coming from a friend but you are hot Rebecca. "

I looked at him dumbfolded and eye brows raised before i replied "that was not inappropriate or creepy. It was a little weird though."

Andy and i both just laughed the rest of the way. We got all the supplies ready for movie night tomorrow. Watching horror movies late at Saturday nights while eating candy and pizza was my favourite tradition with andy and cindy.

When we reached home, we found cindy waiting on the front steps of the building with a sulking look on her face.

"where were you two?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"i'll explain later but why do you look so upset.?"

"mom is having a summer launch, she is going to be surrounded by the press who will not only be interested in her designs but also her personal life which includes me. she doesn't want me living in the apartment with you for the next month."

"let's go inside and talk about it. The next thirty minutes consisted of the two of us telling everything that happened lately to each other while andy sat in a corner drinking orange juice. in the first ten minutes cindy ranted about how she loathed the idea of pretending to live next door to her parent's mansion and a dozen i Hate her for doing this and i told her everything about the office fire to damien's slip of tongue in the amblance . i told her about my recent developments of feelings towards damien and finally him being nice to me and suddenly verbally kicking me out. by the end of it cindy looked at me with a blank look on her face.

"well why didn't you tell me about this earlier? It's way more important than my mom's press fiasco."

'' i just don't know how to understand this that's all." i said exasperated.

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