Chapter 7

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We had about four more hours until the boys had to perform. So we were just sitting in the sitting room hanging out. Michael and Calum found some video games to play so they were doing that. Ashton was making a keek and he was trying to get Luke in it. Harry, Niall, and Zayn were all on their computers. I think Harry was tweeting about something. Niall and Zayn were on the same computer scrolling through Tumblr at the things the fangirls were saying about them. It was fun to watch their faces at the funny and sexual things they said about the boys. I was helping Elle dye her hair. She said she dyes it a lot and this time she felt like going blonde. We had about 10 more minutes till we had to wash the stuff out.

“Hey Niall, Harry when are Olivia and Becca gonna be here?”  She asked the two boys. As the boys were about to answer two really pretty girls walked through the door. One was tall, and had deep brown eyes and really long, really curly hair. The other girl was shorter and had shoulder length hair. They both walked in and Niall and Harry ran to either one of them. Harry ran to the tall girl. When they stood beside each other you could tell they were about the same height, making me feel even smaller. Niall ran to the other girl and wrapped her in a hug and spun her around.

“Zoey, this is my girlfriend Becca.” Harry said, bringing her forward. She wrapped me in a hug.

“Harry has already told me so much about you.” She said and leaned down to hug me.

“It’s nice to meet you. I wish I could say the same though.” I smiled at her after we pulled back from the hug.

“Harry Edward! You didn’t mention me to my new best friend?!” She asked, placing her hand over her heart.

“I’m sorry sweetheart.” He said and kissed her cheek. They were adorable.

“And Zoey, this is my girlfriend Olivia!” Niall said she gave me a big smile and gave me a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you Zoey.” She said. When she pulled back I saw she had Heterochromia. One of her eyes was green, kinda like Harry’s, and the other was blue, much like Niall’s.

“It’s nice to meet you to.” I smiled back at her. We then heard the ring of the timer we had sat for Elle’s hair. Elle ran back into the bathroom with Olivia, Becca, and I following behind her. We helped her wash out the dye and then she blew it dry and straightened it. It looked really good on her. It matched her skin tone very well.

“You look gorgeous,” Zayn said as he walked up to his girlfriend. He wrapped an arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her now red cheek. I smiled at the two and walked over and sat on the couch and pulled out my notepad and pencils. I was concentrated on the painted until out of my peripherals I saw a body sit on the arm of the couch.

“Did you get in?” The Australian voice of Ashton asked me. I tore my glaze away from my current drawing and smiled up at him.

“Full ride,” I smiled and his eyes grew huge.

“NO WAY!” He yelled and pulled me up and hugged me really tight then spun me around.

“What’s going on?” Calum asked.

“SHE GOT A FULL RIDE!” Ashton yelled this time.

“HELL YEAH!” He yelled and him, Luke, and Michael all rushed me and wrapped me in a huge group hug.

“What are they talking about?” Niall asked.

“Um, a while ago I was approached by  some people from the Paris College of Art and they offered me a full ride.” I said and seven pair of new eyes stared at me.

“What about Julliard? What did you tell them?” Luke asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“I told them I wasn’t interest and was more interested in art.”

“Wait, Pairs College of Art AND Julliard?” Louis asked with his mouth dropped.

“Yep,” I said, brushing it off like it wasn’t a big deal.


“Dude, I’m not a dude,” I smiled at her. I was about to get started drawing again but she sat down beside me as did Olivia and Becca.

“Can we see some of your art work?” Olivia asked. I smiled and nodded to her and pulled out my folder of completed work. I handed it to them and they started flipping through it. When they gasped I knew they had gotten to some of my best work. It was actually from the time I was in Australia. I had painted some sunsets with water colors and drew some using colored pencils. But my favorites I was had done in that time was draw faceless black and white pictures of Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. I had just gotten their bodies and instruments. I decided to draw them when they were doing their video for “Gotta Get Out” for the YouTube channel.

We all sat in the dressing room for a little while longer then it was time for the show. Olivia, Elle, Becca, and I all walked out to the arena and found our seats and sat in them. Our seats weren’t in the front row but they were off to the side of the stage and pretty close to the stage. We had good seats. The 5SOS thing then they went straight into their song Lost Boy. Luke’s voice in the beginning was so deep it surprised me. They went through some other songs as well. They played Heartbreak Girl, Green Light, Over and Over, a cover of Teenage Dream, then Try Hard.

There was then a little break while the stage crew got the instruments off. While we were waiting some girls came up to ask and asked for pictures and we agreed so we took pictures with them. After another couple of minutes the lights dimmed again and the arena filled with a million different high pitched screams. The boys then started coming out from their “hiding spots” and started singing Up All Night. To be honest I’ve never really listened to their songs. I’ve listened to a few but not a lot. So during most of the time during their concert I was dancing around with the other girls. With the few songs I did know, like Teenage Dirtbag, Little Things, and One Way or Another, I sang along with them. Their other songs were pretty good as well.

After the concert Becca, Elle, Olivia, and I all walked backstage and were greeted with nasty sweaty hugs.

“You guys stink!” I laughed.

The boys took showers  in their dressing room while we hung out with 5SOS waiting for them to get done. After they were all done we walked out to the bus where we would be staying for another couple of nights. 

Author's Note: SO i don't remember if i put a note before this chapter but if i didn't or not. So I'll just say I'm really really really really really sorry that updates have been so far apart. I'm about to be ending my summer classes (two more days!) then i'm on a two week break, in which i will be working and getting ready for fall classes. When i start fall classes I will be starting a schedule and during the two weeks i will update as much as I can. 

Also, my current status says something like "Bullied By My Brother is going to be really really different." Well, it is. Something big is going to happen to Zoey and I already have it planned out and everything. 

So, I'm going to bed now! Love you awesome nerds! 

Enjoy life and live the adventrue ;) (comment if you get that!)


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