Chapter 15

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This is such a shit chapter. I apologize. 

*Zoey’s POV*

I was about to do my twitcam explaining everything that had happened to me. We had all sent out a tweet this morning saying that I would be doing one.

“Li, can you help me set this damn thing up?” I asked. I tried to do it but my hands just wouldn’t work. He took the computer off of my lap and clicked the mouse a few times and typed some then handed it back to me.

“It should be started now. Ask if they can see you.” He said. I saw some comments about hearing Liam and them freaking out.

“Can you guys see me? I’m guessing you can hear me since you heard Liam’s voice.” I said. Comments came up saying that they could.

“Awesome! So as you all know we’ve been on a medical break for a while. I’m sure some of you have heard on the news that I was recently taken to the hospital after being knocked out, right?” I asked. Some comments were stupid stuff like ‘tell the boys to follow me!’ and shit like that. Some of them were asking me if I was alright, “So, if you didn’t hear basically what had happened was a shit ton of paparazzi found us when we were out in San Jose a few days ago. One of them pulled me away from Louis and I was knocked forward and pushed to the ground. I blacked out because my head hit first on the pavement.”

There were now comments saying how the paparazzi were dicks and saying that they were sorry. There were a few rude ones saying that they should’ve put me out of my misery when they pushed me, “Anyway, when I woke up the doctor told me that I had a bit of brain damage from the accident. My skull is cracked and also there’s  a spot on the front part of my brain that controls motor function. That’s the part of my brain is damaged. I can’t use my arms, hands, or fingers very well and my balanced is messed up.” I said. There was one comment that I saw and decided to answer.

“Uh, I didn’t catch who asked me this sorry, but you asked me what I was going to do about my art. Um, right now it’s obviously going to be put on hold for a while. I’m going to have some physical therapy while we are finishing up the tour and hopefully I can get the strength back.”  I said and kinda read through the comments. There were quite a few rude ones, which I still hated.

“So, yeah, I guess that’s it. So, bye guys!” I said and quickly ended the twitcam, “Loueh!” I called for my boyfriend.

“Yes Zoey,” He said and walked into the area with the bunks.

“Can we watch some movies together?” I asked giving him some puppy dog eyes.

He chuckled a little bit, “Babe, you don’t have to make that face. I would love to watch movies with you.” He said then picked me up and carried me into the back room with the TVs and some comfy couches were.

“What movie would you like to watch?” He asked me as he sat me down.

*Can we watch The Goonies?” I asked.

“Sloth loves Chunk!” Louis yelled and ran to put the movie in, “Liam can you make some popcorn?” He yelled to the front of the bus.

“What for?” He yelled back.

“I was going to feed it to some fish! What the hell do think?” Louis yelled back. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“What movie are you watching?” Niall yelled.

“GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!” Louis and I yelled at the same time. I heard the pounding of feet running back to the room.

“Do the truffle shuffle!” Niall yelled as he ran into the room.  The other were right behind him and Liam soon came in with multiple bowls of popcorn. We cuddled up to each other and watched the movie. Niall ate all of the fucking popcorn before The Goonies even found the map, which wasn’t that far into the movie.

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