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Day Eight Hundred and Sixty Six. Almost two years and half since I joined the Military Camp. The place where discipline, bravery and strength are the qualifications to considered one of them, the Superiors.

Everyday is an never ending battle inside the Military Camp. Battle against the best of the best, battle for the ranks, battle for the fame, battle for the Superiors. Before, I wondered why people would kill their own fellowmen just for the sake of the power and rank, but as I grow up, I realized that people wants the rank because if you didn't, you are no one. Just a normal and pathetic citizen for doing nothing to help your own country and just... living.

It was eight years ago when the Democratic government system had been knocked down due to the gruesome and catastrophic terrorism that the country had faced. Country leaders, soldiers, and even innocent countrymen were killed mercilessly when the supposed terrorist attacked us. A lot were at stake, but then, Marshal Damion, the leader of the Armies during those times, lead his remaining brave soldiers into battle against the intruders and successful won the country back from them.

But the power had been misused after several months of freedom. Marshal Damion had declared a new government system that will be solely led by the commissioned officers. Stratocracy, was then born. Because of the new government system, almost every young adults were forced to join the camp for the restoration of peace and security for the Main City and the suburb areas. A lot of people, even middle aged citizens, joined the camp for the possibility of getting a rank and be looked up to in the society. It then caused a society mentalism that the people or citizen that doesn't have a rank is nothing but a burden. Superiors in the other hand is the commissioned officers. Starting from the Captain to the highest rank, Marshal, you are one of the Superiors.

Today, we will be having visits from Military Headquarters from the Main City to be assessed on who will be recruited as a soldier in the Armed Forces, and fight for the country, and who will be placed in a higher rank and possibly be one of the Superiors. They have their visit every two years to train and examine the best among the best. This will be the first time that I will be part of the assessment. I could say that I'm slightly nervous because you meet different types of people daily. You'll never know if they will stare into your eyes until they strip every piece of your soul or they will look at you with hope to lead and help the country for the betterment of the near future.

The Dining Hall is messy and boisterous as always. Group of people are clumped together in one table. On the right and left side near the windows are the newbies or first year trainees. They are intimidated and frightened because of the energetic aura of the higher year trainers. Most of them are recruited here forcefully that's why they can't seem to get into the rowdy vibe of the place. They are reluctantly trying to fit in and survive.

Most of the senior trainers are seated in the middle tables and they are the nosiest and most annoying inside the Dining Hall. Their reason, because the Dining Hall is the only place where they could be young adults that doesn't have responsibilities. I do agree on their reasoning because sometimes, I am one of them. But once we were fully pledged soldiers, fun will be completely crossed off the list.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up." Jason, the dirty blond guy with crooked nose and goofy smile, joked. I've been friends with him since the first year and he's one of the people who didn't look at me like a lost puppy in the beginning.

When I first got into the camp, women were severely discriminated because of the prejudiced beliefs of the people and that women are exclusively living for only two purposes, for conceiving and serving the family. Jason is probably the only male trainee who didn't criticize me during the first day. I only gained the respect I'm currently having from my fellow trainees due to the hard work that I've shown throughout the training. Maybe that's why I sticked up with Jason's despite his annoying antics and loud cheers.

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