The Meeting

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A/N: the character is based on me and some things are from the real me and some are from the me inside of me.
reference note:

*RED ALERT RED ALERT RED ALERT RED ALERT* was the first thing I heard after waking up for the first time in a decade but I was ready for the job in a instance because when they shut me down they had me put into my armor and guns being locked and loaded with my favourite types of Dust namely the ones that mute sound and give a big explosion. -I wag my tail slowly so blood start to flow trough it again- 'they wake me up so that means there has happened something really big' -I pick up all my weapons and start running to my private transport pod- as the transport start to fall down a messages is shown in front of my eyes telling me what happened and what my orders are but strangely there are no orders only four red words /PROJECT HAS BEEN DISMISSED\ then my eyes spot the small letters in the message saying /YOU ARE FREE OF DUTY YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT ALSO STAY CLEAR OF THIS POD AFTER LANDING BECAUSE IT WILL SELF DESTRUCT WE STILL HAVE ONE LAST ORDER SPECIAL FOR YOU SEARCH AND DEFEND THE MERCENARY NAMED NEOPOLITAN OR AS SHE IS CALLED BY EVERYBODY NEO. GO LOOK FOR HER AND PROTECT HER AGAINST THE ATLAS ARMY\ after reading this I nodded to let the message disappear just a second before hitting the ground I start the music I always used to get combat ready. As I hit the ground I run for cover only to reach it a second before the song ends with a bang witch blows a big crater in the ground. 'when I see the designer of those things im going to tell them to use less gunpowder next time because this is a bit overkill' I start to walk to the closest building not knowing that it is Juniors club where team Yang is fighting with the Malachite sisters, destroying the whole club in the progress so I could just walk in and stand next to the DJ-boot plugging my own music in making the fighting stop and making the look towards me seeing only a armor so I jumped down to the dance floor at the same moment as the sentence shall we dance? is said in the song. I take out Ebony and Ivory and start shooting both the floor near Yang and a place next to Junior revealing a little girl with Neapolitan coloured hair making her look cutely like a ice cream. I keep shooting the floor under Yang making her dance I start to speak using the speakers in my helmet "Yang you can find your sister in a Dust shop but watch out because its being robbed by Roman Torchwick and she will win and she will go to beacon with you and you two" I look to the sisters "could better stop before you break a nail or something" as to show it I shoot one bullet in the air hitting the hands of both girls before shattering another illusion made by the little girl as suddenly a alarm is being sounded "that would be Ruby" I run away towards the alarm.

A/N this story will not follow the canon story line.

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