The witch and the robot

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While running towards the alarm I let my shoes turn into roller-skates. As I race trough the empty streets I notice the sound of Roman Torchwick and as I get closer I start to hear Ruby fangirling over Glynda Goodwitch only to be interrupted by me shooting a bullet towards the fleeing Bullhead hitting it without doing any damage to it. As I look away from my scope I see both Glynda and Ruby looking at me. "what?" I ask to both of them with a robotic voice and before I knew it im sitting in a room next to Ruby being scolded by Glynda about being irresponsible only to be interrupted by  professor Ozpin walking in with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies which Ruby ate in a instance leaving not a single crumb for me to eat. "so professor what do you want from this little girl?" I ask Ozpin shocking Ruby and Glynda who both thought I couldn't speak because I looked like a robot to them but now that I had put my helmet away they all saw that I was just a normal human. "Um yes so mister uh what's your name?" Ozpin asks me. "My name is irrelevant to you unless you will let me and this girl onto your academy only then I will tell but until then you will have to do with my number and company name" I say harshly to his question. shocking Glynda even more getting ready to hit me only to be stopped by Ozpin starting to laugh about it after he calmed down a little he says "oke mister you don't want to say it yet but if I understand you correctly you are part of an Atlesian military group but you still want to join my school. am I correct until now?" giving me a suspicious look waiting for me to answer. "Yes you said it almost correctly only I was the last member of the group after an attack on our ship. it was hard to see all my team members and other teams die around me while those Grimm and white fang scum killed everybody except me" I slam my fist on the table breaking it and making Ozpin tremble in fear and anger because I also spilled all his coffee. After he calmed down again he spoke again "so you still want to join as student?" "Yes I would do that but I have at least four conditions. First I don't care what happens I want to start in the same team as Ruby, secondly I want to have a own hangar so I can rebuild my vehicles and weapons, thirdly if I ever find somebody who want to team up with me who isn't yet a student I want them to be accepted and to be formed into a new  team with me as leader and as last I want to have access to all materials of the school this are all my conditions" I say with a cold look to Ozpin only to look to Ruby for a split second and looking like a caring dad to her. "your conditions are heard and are accepted by me so welcome to Beacon and you are also welcome Ruby Rose" after saying this Ozpin disappears along with Glynda. "So Ruby can I stay at your place tonight because I don't have a place to sleep yet" I start looking really tired trying to get Ruby to take me to her home. "uh oke I guess that would be a good way for helping me come follow me  then." She stands up and starts walking back home at such speed that I quickly need to start running to keep up with her only to lose her in the forest but luckily  I had put a tracking device on her so I could easily follow her  and indeed after around 2 minutes I found her standing near a nice little cabin waiting for me to arrive only to disappear inside when I got near her. After following Ruby inside the cabin I'm immediately met with the barrel of at least 4 different weapons, knowing that even I cant dodge so many bullets i start to raise my hands into the to signal I'm not gonna harm anybody yet I stil feel the hostility directed my way by the people inside the cabin. The silence only gets broken when Ruby returns from what i presume is her bedroom as she has changed into what appears to be a pajama. " Dad why are you pointing your gun towards my friend?" Hearing Ruby call me a friend already made me smile a little on the inside as I never had many friends to begin with so even just getting called a friend made me feel happy on the inside.

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