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Joy's P.O.V
"Ok mom, Im ready!" I say loudly as I go down the stairs and look for my mom.

While looking for my mom, I just saw my dad laying on the couch using his powers to the cup.

"Dad, where's mom?" I ask to my dad, still glancing around to check if my mom was around.

But dad remained quiet. He stood up and walked to the kitchen, paled. I was very confused. I also walked to the kitchen and once again asked, where was mom.

"Dad..." I said slowly to my dad, trying to make him understand all my words, "Where is mom?"

My dad looked up at me and said a reply,

"Sweetie" my dad trying to say his words without crying, "I-I am ve-very sorry---"

I cut his sentence questioning him what happened to mom.

"What happened to mom?!?" I asked, very worried.

My dad stood up again and grabbed a newspaper from the dusty closet. He gave the newspaper to me. I read the news that was in the front page, I was shocked.

In the newspaper: A plane crashed happened in the city of Germine, many people that were in the plane died. But only two people survived. They were directly delivered to the hospital. But the doctors weren't sure if they can survive. The two people who survived was just Mirmi Derente and Surmi Derente.

I nearly collapsed, Mirmi Derente!?! that is my mom. Surmi Derente, my older sister!

"Dad! WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL AND VISIT THEM!" I shouted to my dad with a lot of worry.

I grabbed my dad's arm and went outside, getting the key of the car beside the TV. I gave the key to my dad and told him,

"Dad! start the engine, im very worried for them"

Of course, It was very rude of me to yell at my dad. I apologized. My dad just looked in front of him and started the engine. We drove as fast as we can. And there we were, at the hospital.

We rushed inside and went to the counter table.

"Hello. We are looking Mirmi and Surmi Derente." I asked to the lady who was in fron of us.

"Oh, ok. So whats your name?" The lady asked us, getting a medical record using her magnetic powers.

"Oh, uhhh.... my name is Joy Derente and this is my dad, Michael Derente" I introduced ourselves as the lady writes our name in the paper.

"Ok..." The lady say while writing on the paper, "Umm... Ms. Joy, the people who you are looking for is on the 2nd floor at room 215"

"Thank you" I thanked the lady for her help.

Me and my dad started to fly and flew to to the 2nd floor. We searched and roamed around finding room 215.

After some few minutes of searching, we finally found it. We stopped flying and entered the room. From there, we saw my mom and my sister laying down quietly.

"Hi mom, hi sis" I greeted the both of them.

They opened their eyes the time I greeted them. They showed me and my dad some smiles that told us that they were ok.

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