Went Back To Time

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As they glance over at the clock, they investigated it.

"Why won't we try everything that we can do to this clock"
"Yeah sure, Dad"

Joy held the clock with a grip and looked around it. The clock very old and dirty and it was covered with dust. But as Joy blow the clock, the dust flew around. They all began to cough as the dust flew around them. But as the dust disappeared, the appearance of the clock was more clear. The first thing they noticed about the clock, that it was gold and brown. The clock in the middle was covered with glass. But the real clock was not moving and ticking at all.

"What's wrong with this clock!?!"

As Joy frowns over the clock, she noticed a circular twist thing on the side of the clock. It was gold and it glittered all around it.

"Guys, I think this is the thing that moves the time"
"Good thinking, Joy!"

Joy held it and looked around it for a while. Suddenly, a man with long beard appeared.

"AHHHH!!!" Joy and Michael screamed when they saw him.
"Guys, calm down. It's just our grandfather"

The man who appeared a while ago held a broom and a sprayer. He had a long grey beard that reached until his hips. His face was wrinkled and it had a very long eyebrow.

"I see, you found my Time Clock"
"Time Clock?"

The man who appeared a while ago went closer and snatched the clock.

"HEY! I found the clock first, grandpa"
"But this is mine, young girl"

Everyone remained quiet after some few minutes.

"You see, this clock is very special. This circular thing on the side is the one that moves time. If you move the time forward, the real time will move forward depending the time you just moved. And the same as moving time backwards"
"What, really!?! Then I can use that to save my mom and my sister from the day that they will go!"
"But It must be handled with great----"

Before the grandfather could finish, Joy snatched it and held the circular thing.

"I am coming for you, mom and sister"

Then, Joy began twisting it backwards. A blue light surrounded Joy while she moves time backwards. Michael, Ferick, and Feria tried to pull her out of the blue light but Joy joined them to her 'time trip'

"Where are we?"
"No... When are we?"

ENDING!!! If you realized that the last part was the phrases of Gravity Falls. You realized that? If you did, very good! Also, I cannot do conversations in my other profile, so I am just gonna say it here. Thank you for the 100 reads. To check it out, check my profile: Random-Chocolate Read, Vote, Share, and Comment! Stay tuned!

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