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"I sent a selfie of myself in the tub to the wrong number and you responded back with another selfie. Holy shit you're really attractive."


You settled down into the warm water of the bath, bubbles floated beside you and you let out a quiet moan as the water relaxes your muscles. Sore from work, you bask in the warmth and let the steam rise from the water, opening your pores and allowing the scent of lavender to permeate the air. Grabbing your phone, you take a picture of yourself making a silly face, including bubbles and all...okay, maybe not all, but hey, she's your best friend, she's already seen everything! Sending it with the message "you jealous?" you turn on some music. Just as you're about to relax into the music and water again, you hear your phone buzz. Blinking, you smile lazily.

"Of you or the water?" was the message before you looked down and HOLY SHIT THAT IS NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND! OH MY GOSH HE'S EATING .....what is he eating?? Wait, feel your heart rate accelerate and you think that this is not a good thing for a bath. Bath times are relax times. Quickly texting back, your face is bright red.

"I am so sorry! I meant to send this to my best friend!" You feel your breathing pick up and you turn up the music, hoping to drown out your anxieties.... sinking lower in the tub, you think drowning sounds like a wonderful idea. Looking back at the image your eyes look at this man's gorgeous brown ones. You can see the ceiling light reflect in his eyes and they sparkle with life. His hair is so lush, you have the temptation to run your finger over the screen as if to feel it.... despite the odd face he's making and the fact that he is eating, he is still immensely gorgeous.

"It's fine, well, not entirely, but it's okay! I deleted the picture so you don't have to worry about that getting out or anything!" Was the response. You sighed in relief, letting out a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding.

"Thank you soooooooo much!" You quickly text back. "I owe you big time!!!! Also.....>.> sorry for the...exposure." Your face is red again and you're glad this mystery man can't see you.

"It's fine!! Haha, I don't think any man would have been upset at a sight like that." You blushed at this stranger's flirtations... or were they just being nice? Oh my gosh! What if he thought you were ugly! You put your phone down and dunk your head under the water, eyes squeezed shut, you wish you could die.

"My name is Mark, what's yours?" You come up for air and see the next text. He wants to keep that's a good thing, right?

"Y/N. Nice to meet you, Mark!...I wish I could say it was under better circumstances." You hit send and set the phone back down. The water is starting to cool so you quickly wash yourself and drain the tub.

"Well, this will be quite the story to tell to our kids ;)" Your face turns bright red again after witnessing the next text. You know he's joking but god damn!

"lol, trueee." You respond, trying to play it casual despite the embarrassment in your gut. "Okay, odd question, but I have to know.... you don't think I'm ugly, do you?" You quickly ask, hoping to get it out of the way while it's still fresh..... gosh, you hope he actually deleted that picture.

"You're beautiful! Why would you think you're ugly?" You bite your lip at his response and wrap your towel around yourself. Shuffling over to your room, you plop down on your bed.

"Just wondering. What do you do for a living, Mark?" You ask, changing the topic and hoping he'll forget.

"It's.... unusual, but I love it. I am a youtuber for a living." You blink and grin.

"Really? That's so cool! When I was little I wanted to start a youtube. Never had any good ideas, though." You respond, wringing your hair out and beginning to change into your sleepwear.

"It's a dream job, for sure! What do you do for a living?" You hum.... do you lie... he could be lying. You doubt he is, though. He seems so genuine and honest.

"I'm a paid intern under a graphic design corporation. It's not my first pick, but I'll work my way up the ladder, I'm sure." You respond. You really want to be promoted, but no spots have opened up yet. You're a bit disappointed. Looking at the clock, you sigh at the time. It's 10 at night already. You have work early tomorrow morning but you don't want to say goodbye.

"That's really cool, though. What do you do?" You look at the message and contemplate.

"I'm basically an errand runner right now. What about yourself? Also, I have to go to bed soon.....I have work tomorrow :c" You lick your lips to wet them and then roll your neck. You walk through your apartment and make sure all the lights are off before heading back to your room, illuminated by only a single lamp.

"I play video games. It's cool, head to bed, then! We can talk tomorrow....right?" You grin at his response and turn the light off, sending one more reply before trying to sleep.

"Of course!" You hum, eyes fluttering shut and placing your phone on your bedside table. Your alarm will go off at 6 in the morning and you would not ever want to be awake at that time, but the text you'll see will make you smile, regardless.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful!"   

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