Puppy Love

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"It's so cold and the only reason we're outside at all is because we need to walk our dogs,
so you're the kindly neighbour that shovelled my front walk this morning? You should come round for dinner, I owe you one."


When you wake up, the sky makes you think that it's far from time to wake up. However, upon looking at the time, you groan. 11 in the morning, already? Why is it so dark? Getting up, you hear your pup clip across the floor of your house. Ah, he knows you're awake. Opening the shades, you blink at the snow outside your window. Oh, yeah, it snowed last night. Sniffing, you begin to change into clothes to take your pup out for a walk. Slipping on boots, you shrug on a jacket just as your dog nudges your door open with his nose. Smiling at him, you crouch down and coo as he smiles at you, wagging his butt and coming into your open arms.

"Hey Link! Hiya baby!!" You coo, hugging him and petting him, pressing kisses to the top of his head. "You want to go out?" You ask, giggling when he wags his butt some more and yips to agree with you. Grinning, you shuffle your way to the door to get the leash which was hanging right beside the door. Clicking it onto the D-ring on your pup's collar, you open the door only to marvel at the cleanly shoveled path in front of you. You definitely did not shovel....do you even own a snow shovel? Link pulls at the leash and you stumble forward slightly, closing the door behind you. Marveling at the path in front of you, you walk it with caution and notice your neighbor on the left has shoveled, as well. Your neighbors were three men and they were pretty wacky. You didn't mind, though, seeing them act out was humorous most of the time.

Your dog barked suddenly and you jumped. Looking over, you noticed the one man was about to take his dog for a walk, as well. Blue hair under a beanie and scarf around his neck, you waved. Link tugged at his leash to get to Chica. You smiled, they had gotten along before so you weren't too worried that they would fight or not get along.

"Hey Mark, did you see who shoveled my walkway this morning?" You asked, brows furrowing as your breath came out in pseudo-smoke. He gave you a sheepish smile and that look alone gave you an idea on what happened.

"The boys and I shoveled out our yard and yours...I remembered you live alone and have a puppy so I wanted to help out a little bit." He explained, talking about Matt and Ryan as his boys. You felt yourself swoon at their selflessness.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I am so grateful!" You exclaim, walking closer, mostly to appease your pup and Chica who were itching to sniff each other.

"It's no problem, really! Shoveling is hard work so I didn't want you to get too hurt from it, plus where I used to live we got a lot of snow so I'm used to it! This inch isn't anything close to what we're used to." You smile and nod as you and Mark start to walk along the sidewalk together.

"But still!! How about you all come over for dinner tonight? I need an excuse to cook an actual meal for once and consider it a thank you for the work you boys did." You suggest. The look on Mark's face makes you smile, too.

"Sure thing! Consider it a date!" Giggling, you nod.

"Alright, a foursome it is." You joke, stopping as Link decides to pee. Mark chokes and laughs at your joke. You grin, happy he understood, and giggle a bit with him.

"What time do you want us over?" He asked. He seemed to be thinking, he was probably thinking about how he was to fit this in his busy schedule. He didn't leave his house too much, but you knew they were always up to something, so you doubted they had a lot of spare time. Thinking, you tried to remember when you saw them relaxing at night. Not coming up with a set time, you shrug.

"Any time is fine.... I'll try to get dinner done by five-ish?" You ask, looking at him. He grins and nods.

"Sounds great. We'll be there." He grinned. Smiling, you noticed that Link was finished, in fact, he seemed to want to go back home, not used to the cold and probably not enjoying it too much.

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