Chapter 11

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Steph - depends , who's party ?

Riley - uhmmJadens......(whisper)

Steph - I'm sorry , did you said Jaden's ?

Riley - uhhhh yeah ......

Steph - is Ryan going ?

Riley - I don't know , I'll ask her

Steph - ok

Riley FaceTimes Ryan

Ryan - hey Rilezz

Riley - hey Ry-Ry , are you going to Jadens Party ? ( puts headphones in phone )

Ryan - my mom said no , but I might sneak out

Riley - thank the Lord , I have my ear buds in !!!!

Ryan - lol , are you going to his party ?

Riley - my dad told me to ask you to see if you were

Ryan - well then lol , but let's sneak out

Riley - I don't know , I -

Ryan - come on Rilezz , it will be fun , you know you want to

Riley - but I don't want to get on bad terms with my dad

Ryan - oh please !!!!! Live a little , plus its not like your gonna get drunk

Riley - hey , your right , I'll go , let's do it

Ryan - ok so the party starts at 9:45 , let's sneak out when our dads our back from their game so around , 11:15 Ish

Riley - ok , cool with me

Ryan - ok see you tonight

Riley - okay , wait will be get there

Ryan - my brother Jackson will take us , but he said we both owe him later

Riley - ok lol

Ryan - yeah , you know he like you , right ?

Riley - no !!!! He is cute , but way too old for me

Ryan - really Rilezz !!!! He's 21 , your 15 not that big of a difference , except your under aged

Riley - whatever lol , I'll talk to you later

Ryan - ok and I'll come by your house and you'll know its me because I'll throw a pebble at your balcony

Riley - ok , bye see you in a few

Ryan - kk bye

After FaceTime

Steph - finally , took you long enough

Riley - lol , yeah but her parents said no

Steph - ok then I say , no

Riley - ok , well I tried

Steph - uhmm you seem ok with this , are you planning to sneak out ?

Riley - no , of course not

Steph - good , we're here

Riley - kk , are you staying ?

Steph - nahh , I have to head to basketball practice , because we have a game tonight at 7 , but Ayesha will be here to watch you and pick you up

Riley - ok , see you later

Steph - bye , make sure you pay attention and don't be chatty

Riley - ok , bye

At Practice

Riley - ( walks in ) hey Coach Danielle

Coach D - hey Riley , get changed, practice starts in.... ( looks at watch) in 5 minutes

In Changing Room

Ryan - ( walks in ) hey Riley

Riley - ( turns around ) hey Ry-Ry

Ryan - ready for tonight ?

Riley - totally

Ryan - have you figured out what you are wearing yet ?

Riley - nope , you ?

Ryan - nahh , maybe we can facetime so we can figure it out together

Riley - ok cool with me ( finsihes changing )

Ryan - awww man

Riley - what ?

Ryan - I left my grips in the car

Riley - well I have extra , you can use

Ryan - thank the Lord !!!!!! You always have my back

Riley - I know ( flips hair ) oh yeah !!!! I have to put my hair in a ponytail , which I should have already did

Ryan - oh my gosh ( looking through bag ) today is just NOT my day , I forgot my elastic band into he car and I usually wear one on my wrist , wait ...... I have one on my ankle !!!!!!

Riley - ( laughing ) lol , you forget everything , thanks to me , I can remind you

Ryan - yesssss lol

Riley - we should head out now

Ryan - yeah lol

At Practice

Coach D - ok guys , so today is Monday and its the day I do , 1. Pyramid and 2. Assignments

Everyone - ( moaning , groaing , yelling )

Coach D - ok so the pyramid goes as following

On The Bottom we have , Nia , Nichole , and Jocelyn

In the Middle we have Macy, Cassadee , and Ryan

And in top , we have ........Riley !!!!

Everyone - ( applauds )

Coach D - nice job at state meet , you were the first 15 year old , to score a perfect score on bars , so I , myself , applaud you

Riley - thank you

Coach D - no problem , now on to assignments , I will be having 2 bar routines , going to Macy and Riley .......

Everyone - ( claps )

Coach D - and I'm going to have 3 floor routines , going to Cassadee , Nia , and Ryan

Everyone - ( applauds )

Coach D - next I will be having 1 beam routine , going to Nicchole

Everyone - ( claps )

Coach D - and will last , but not least , I will be having 1 vault routine , going to Jocelyn

Everyone - ( claps )

Coach D - alright , let's get started ............

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