Chapter 5 Part 1

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A chill rocketed through my bones like lightning. Something was wrong. A primal hiss filled the night air, causing my heart to race and unexplainable pain consumed my body.

I found myself running straight for the source without even telling myself to do it. As if I were acting on instinct alone. I reached a clearing and froze mid-step at the bloody sight before me. The stars and moon illuminated the clearing, making my flashlight unnecessary to see the small blood-soaked body lying in the snow.

The park was once again quiet except for the natural inhabitants preparing for winter. I approached the white tiger cub with caution. When I got close enough, I noticed the claw marks on its side oozing blood. I reached for it. "It's okay, little fella. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to help."

As if it understood what I said, it reached its paw out to me. Warmth radiated through my body as I gently picked it up and carried him home.

By the time I reached the house, I was soaked with his blood. He wasn't going to make it if we didn't act fast. I rushed through the back door, out of breath. "Max! Come quick! I need your help!"

Max came barreling through the kitchen and onto the back porch, freezing when he saw the bloody cub laying on the counter. "Julissa! What the hell were you thinking bringing that thing in here?"

I rushed around grabbing first aid supplies. "He needs our help, Max."

There was something akin to recognition in his face, but it quickly faded into outrage as he stared at the cub. "Like hell it does. It could be a shifter."

I couldn't believe he was refusing to help me save a life. I never dreamed he'd go so far as to let an innocent animal die because he was mad at me. "I'm not a complete idiot, Max. If he were a shifter, he'd be in human form to heal instead of lying here dying. You taught me that."

Max threw his hands into the air, and his eyes narrowed. "I taught you a lot of things. Although by your recent behavior, nobody would know it."

My heart ached for the little guy. I was sure he'd never hurt anyone. There was a certain innocence in his eyes. The kind you only find in very young children still naive enough to believe in Santa Claus. "Lecture me later. Right now, we have to help him."

"I don't know, Lissa. It's dangerous. What if he attacks one of us once he's healed?"

I stroked the cub's head and looked up at Max, my eyes pleading with him to help. "He won't. He's just a baby, Max."

He turned away and headed for the door. "Why don't I just call the Alliance?"

I glared at him. The Alliance was not the answer. They would have taken great pleasure in killing him and claim it was too risky to leave it to chance that he was dangerous. "He's not a wolf, Max. This isn't an Alliance issue."

Max walked to the counter and stared down at him. "Fine, but first thing Monday I'm calling animal control to come get him."

My heart surged with joy at Max's agreement. I didn't know why, but I needed to help the cub. "Thank you."

He leaned over the small body, a scowl on his face. The gruff tone in his voice made it obvious he'd rather not do what needed to be done. "Grab the med kit."

I stayed with them while Max stitched him up, whispering to the cub and stroking his blood-stained fur. Once Max finished the last stitch I could breathe a little easier.

Max stood up and stretched his muscles. "Remember what I said, Lissa. First thing Monday..."

I never took my eyes off the cub. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

After double checking for other injuries, I brushed past Max without a word. As I reached the door, I felt Max grab my shoulder and spin me around. "Lissa, please talk to me. You know I can't stand it when you're upset."

I had to blink back the tears and work to keep my voice steady despite my body's reaction to his touch. "There's nothing to say, Max."

His grip on my shoulder tightened, sending bolts of pain through my arm as his nails dug into my flesh. "Yes, there is."

I wrenched myself free of his grip and slipped around him. I grabbed the doorknob and paused, keeping my back to him. "What do you want me to say? That I'm okay with having my mind obliterated? I'm not. I just don't see any point in talking about it. I'd rather just get it over with so I don't have to wait."

Pain filled his voice. "Don't say that. Please say anything but that."

I bit my lip. It killed me to see him hurting that way. "Anything else would be a lie." I took a deep breath, trying to get my emotions in check. "Do you want me to go back to the park?"

I sensed him struggling to maintain his composure, and part of me wanted to release him from his agony. Max was silent for several seconds, and his stare burned into my back. "Did you get anything useful out there?"

"Yeah, I tracked a couple of shifters to a house a few blocks away. I'll text you the address."

"Well then, for tonight your job is done."

I stepped into the kitchen, still refusing to look at him. "Then I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. I'll check on the cub when I wake up."

I got to my room and gathered my clothes only to catch a glimpse of the Parisian snow globe Max bought me. I collapsed onto the bed face first and cried myself to sleep, only to be haunted by Max's words.

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