2 months later

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2months Later

Yn Pov

Its been to months since they left and Im 2months pregnant Yay but it been weeks since I spokened to Roc cause he been busy I try to call him but his phone goes staight to voice mail the last time we talk was 2months ago lol on Skype

(2months ago Flashback)

Roc: Hey boo look at you

Me: Heeey wyd 

Roc: Nun missing you 

Me: Aww you know I miss you and you know who else miss you 

Roc: Who that pu-

Me: Nooo Roc ( Giggles) Jay

Roc: Oh yeah Let me talk to my lil man

Jay: Hey daddy

Roc: Hey look at you looking all grown up

Yn: Roc I ts only been one day

Roc: I know but Jay when you was at grandma house you found you a girlfriend

Jay: Yea her naaaame Nina

Roc: (Laughs) Oh snap son you already becoming a man

Jay: (Laughs) Daddy turn around Ray behind you

Roc: Ik but jay Im miss you

Jay: I miss you too daddy when you coming back is you coming back on my birthday

Roc: Yea i am i am

Jay: Yay before I go daddy can we sing spongebob camp fi-fire song song (making puppy dog face)

Roc: Yeah you start

Jay: Ok Let sit awound the camp fire and sing our campfire song

Both: Our  C A M P F I R E S O N G song if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong, but it'll help if you just sing along 

Ray: Bum bum buummm

Both: (Laughs)

(Flashback over)

He going to be a great daddy 

Maky Pov

Hey yall Im here yes yes yeees I just turned 6 months preggo today Im having a girl whoa this is going to be hard work but my babyshower is next sunday cant wait lol Ive been chilling the last 2 months just eating lol been talking to Prince everyday h hold on this him now brb

Pookie pov 

Hey yall im so hot right now but im 2 months pregnant i dont know what im having right now but i hope it will be a girl lol all of us are board right now as i think sike naw im just saying random stuff like but i am having a good pregnacy i had been having fun jay have been mad cause the boys got us preggo he can tell cause maky his huge but yea

Panda Pov

I have a head ache uggh hey yall im 3 months preggo yas I wan tsome pickles with peanuntbutter and whip cream damn that shyt sound good oh umm me and prod are so happy we talk o each other everyday and I talk to everybody else but mostly my boo I keep thinking about that food im sorry I GTG get me some

Pov(s) over

Yn pov

Yn: Hey yall we need to go grocies shopping 

Pookie: yas I want me some chicken strips

Justyn: yas I want me some chicken strips (mocking pookie then laughs and hugs her)

Yn: Come on then

They went to the car then start to go to the store 

Yn: Which store we going to 

EverybodyplusJAY: KROGERS

Yn: Lol (turns on the radio and high school came on by nicki minaj) Oh this my song

Pookie: Wait Blast it (turns the radio up )

they listen to the song till they got there 

In the store

Yn: Ayee get some bread

Pookie: Ok

Panda: Oh and some peanutbutter pickles and whipp cream

They looked at like TF is wrong with you lol

??? POV

I was in the grocery store and I saw these girls that I thought I remembered then I notice that it was Yn and Panda so I ran behind them 

???: Hey Yn  Panda Maky and Pookie

They turned around and saw me they had a WTF look on they face then a Suprised look on there face

Yn: Omg Kelly

Kelly: Hey yall

Yn Pov

Aww hell naw this bytch right here she fuqkying irritating she stole my boyfriend tried to fuqk my brother miggy tf she doing here 

Me: Hey what you doing here

Panda: Y you here thought you live in Maine

Kelly: I was but I moved down here lastweek

(Just to let you know they dont like her cause she tried to fuqk there boyfriend )

Justyn: Yn Im sleepy can we go now

Yn: Yea

Kelly: Oh can we swap numbers just in case

Yn: Yea give her your number Pookie

Pookie swap numbers wit her and they paid for there stuff and left

At home 

Pookie; Why would you tell me to do the swap I dont like her

Yn: I didnt want to give her the swap so I aske you to give her the swap

Maky: Yall stfu about some swap this and swap that damn

Yn: You-phone ring 

You looked at the phone and it was from a unknowned number but you answered it anyways

Yn: Hello(ate a bit out of her sandwhich)

???: Hello this is Kelly

Yn: How did you get my number

Kelly: Umm...........

Roc is a good father??? WTF how she get her number??? But click the External Link to see t how bigg you are how you look and stuff like that 

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