Tell me

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Jaden: Well I wasnt kidding I was serious can I ou be mines please

Yn: Jaden I-I-I cant right now ok but if me and Roc dont work out I dont know 

Jaden: Yea Ok umm Ill see you later later 

Yn: Yeah bye (Whispers) Why everything have to be on me omg (goes in the house)

Maky: Hey umm what happened

Yn: Nothing just talking

Maky: Mkay

''~~Hour later~~''

Yn: Bye everybody ok bye

Justyn: That was fun I nevered had a birthday party before it was fun but umm im sleepy can i go to sleep

Yn: Yes but I want you to first go and put on your pj then go to sleep ok

Justyn: Ok Love you and goodnight mommy 

Yn: Bye baby

Pookie: That is soo sweet 

Yn: Yeah but were is Panda and Maky 

Pookie: Sleep on the couch 

Yn: Oh Lets go and pick this trash up 

Pookie: Hey umm how did Justyns Mom Know where we live

Yn: Idk she might had got her crack from ova here or sumthing ion know ill ask Roc when he tell ill let you know 

After 30minutes of cleaning hey finished then went to sleep but not Yn she was up tinking about what Jaden said and about that crackhead im mean Justyns mama said (lol) about whe she said she was gone come back but she not so no need to worry 

''BUZZ'' ''BUZZ'' is was a text from Roc

So_Spiffy_Tho: Hey how was the party 

~Is_Me_Yn~: Good and Bad

So_Spiffy_Tho: Wht was bad about it

~Is_Me_Yn~: Your Babymama was here trying to fight a nigga but got her asz whooped 

So_Spiffy_Tho: Forreal 

~Is_Me_Yn~: Wait hw she get our adress in the first place

So_Spiffy_Tho: ....

Calls him

Roc: Hello

Yn: How she get the fuqkin adress


Yn: Roc you better tell me or else 




Sorry for the shortness you know but the next one will be longer 

I want to know how she got the adress all this stuff is going down 

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