Untitled Part 7

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The storm still rages on, but now our house is filled with people. My mom is in the middle of a conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Wellings, and Mrs. Evans talks with my dad while Mrs. Evans is reading a book calmly on our sofa. Her brown long hair flows around her, and sticks to the couch, wet from the rain. Everyone was soaked through by it. The two dads were tall and thin, but also had a strong jaw that made them look older than they actually were.

Mrs. Welling's laugh booms through the living room, and I can hear her voice all the way from my room where I currently sit on my bed and read. Beside me, Tyler and Jake sit on the floor with their sleeping bags, and Lainey lays on the bed beside me. The two boys are deep in conversation while Lainey is asleep, and I continue to read my book.  

Cinder found out she was immune, and just when I was about to read why, Tyler throws a question my way. 

"Hey Seira, can you pass me the Kindle for a second? I wanna look something up." He holds his hand out expectantly. I don't bother looking at him and continue reading as I reply.

"You do realize the internet is dead, right?" I ask, and I hear a sigh. I look over to see him with a pout.

"Right. Forgot about that." He says, and him and Jake go back to whatever they were talking about earlier. I drown them out again and keep reading. 


"She never said no." I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of thunder crashing down again. I hear voices talking, and it takes me a second to realize that it was Tyler and Jake. 

"Yeah, but she never said yes either. I mean, do you think I might have a chance?" I open my eyes, and see that the room is completely dark. Rain was still slamming into the window. The storm has yet to pass. A flash of lightning light up the room, and for a second, I see Lainey's peaceful face. The sound of voices has stopped, and from the boys I hear snores. Sadly, I am now wide awake, so I don't think I'm sleeping anytime soon.

I get out of my bed and walk to the door. I hear someone stir behind me, and jump a little when I see Tyler standing right behind me. "Can't sleep?" 

I nod, and then remember that he can't see me so I say, "Yeah, the lightning. I think I'm gonna go grab some water."

I hear another body move around in the room, so I walk out of the room before I wake anyone else up. I hear Tyler's footsteps behind me as I walk downstairs. I fill a glass up with water and gulp it down. Tyler stands in the entrance of the kitchen. "Feel any better?"

I stare at him, a little confused. "I think so. Not sure if I can sleep yet though."

He stares at me, but with the sound of the storm around us, both of us look around the room to a window or the front door, afraid of what may be lurking in the corner. "So... should we go back upstairs?" I ask, and as he nods, another flash lights the room.

Louder than it had been all day, thunder booms into the street, echoing into our ears, and causes me to fall to the floor. I cover my ears, and squeeze my eyes shut. I feel Tyler come around behind me, and hold me towards him in a hug. When the thunder finally stops, I realize that I had been clinging on to him with all my force. 

"Sorry," I try to say, but it only comes out as a whisper. "I'm not a fan of thunder."

"Me neither." He admits, and I smile. He hold me tighter in the hug until I have calmed down enough to stand. "Yeah, we should go up." He says, and he helps me upstairs.

When we enter the room, the smell of my candle oil drifts through the bedroom. I can hear Jake snoring away, and Lainey is still as a rock. I walk over to my bed, and lie down quietly, careful not to wake up Lainey who was obviously asleep. Tyler goes to his own sleeping bag and after a while, I hear his breathing slow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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