Little Red Ridinghood

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"Happy Birthday!" My friends shout as I enter the school. Apparently they were waiting to surprise me. Hurray, now everyone knows.

"Quiet down!" I squirm, " I don't need everyone knowing its my birthday."

Both Liz and Andy laugh and slap me on my back. "We see you had a fun time this morning." Liz pulls out her phone and shows me the picture Jake posted.

"Oh please, they were just celebrating my birthday." I smile, unable to hold it back.

"Sure, but look at that smile." Andy says pointing at me. "It's so wide." He laughs and I hit him in the gut.

We walk over to my locker and I open it up to grab my books. When I finally get it opened,  a landslide of notes fall to the floor. I gasp and start picking them up. One of them said, "I hope you die." Another, "You are such a whore."

Oh god, were these threats? Was I being bullied?

I sigh and look aver at Liz. Her eyes grow wide, and fill with rage. "Who... Who the hell did this?!" She screams.

I take her hand, and try to calm her down. "If you react, it will only get worse." I say. I see her eyes fill with pain, and we walk to  class. When I look back, I see Andy pick up the notes one by one. He was not happy either.

When I got to the history class, Jake noticed the look on my face and threw me a note. I opened it up and saw there was a little picture there. It was a crying cat, and there was message next to it that said, 

This is you. What happened?

I couldn't help but smile. He noticed that I looked sad?

I write down,
I'm okay, just had a wild morning. :)

When I try to throw him the note, it ends off bouncing off of his desk and landing on the one in front of him. He looks back and shrugs. I look at the girl who got the note and I can't help but disbelieve who it is.


I let out a deep breath and roll my eyes. she notices the note on her desk, and grabs it. When she has read it, she turns around smirking at me. I glare at her, and let her do what she wants with the note.

She puts it back on Jake's desk, and tears off a piece of paper from her notebook. I frown and look back to Liz who had her head turned toward Andy's seat nearby. I looked back at Red and saw that she was going to throw the note to me. I sighed, and caught it with ease. When I opened it up, I nearly got up and smacked her.

You better look out. Some of us like those boys, and if you don't stay away, you'll get more than just notes in your locker.

Well, considering I couldn't really think of anything else, and considering Jake saw her throw the note I did what any normal person wouldn't do. I showed the note to Jake.

Bet she wasn't expecting that to happen. Based on the look she gave, she didn't, and I smirked at her. And she turned back to the front of the room. In front of me I saw Jake's eyes lace with anger as he looked back to me and smiled. He mouthed the words, you'll be okay.

I nodded and that is when Mr. Baxter walked in holding a stack of papers. He was struggling to hold them and so I got up and helped him out. A couple of papers fell loose out of my arms and fell to the floor. I saw Liz get up from her seat as well and pick them up. I smiled and returned to my seat, as she did the same.

We both smiled at each other and the period went by in no time.

When I walked out of class and into the hall, Red cornered me. "You are going to regret pulling that little stunt. I'm going to make your life a living hell from this day forward."

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