The power I gained

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Emma pov.
I told Luke and my papa to take my now dead dad outside instead of this cramp janitor closet
When we got outside we put him down on the floor in the middle of the forest it was depressing seeing my dad there just laying on the floor died
I started to cry I put my hand on my dads face just crying that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see my papa laying holding my shoulder I soon stood up and slapped his hand mine "DON'T TOUCH ME" " I'm so sorry I didn't" he thought he was going to get away with this " YOU FUCKING DID THIS YOUR GOING TO PAY DON'T TOUCH ME JUST LEAVE" and just like the Angel poofed away and left me there with a bunch of strangers to see my dad die.
I started to cry again not leaving the spot I was in before crying and praying for my demon dad to come back to me his daughter
It was 2 hours later and I was still sitting there with my now rotten dead farther I have stopped crying wait if the demon knife stabbed my dad isn't hag magic couldn't I use my power to help my dad
"Luke" I asked he was still there with me helping through ever moment "can you please come here I need to ask question" " yes anything" he told me. " you can feel my power right" he nodded. "How much power do I have in me tell me the truth " he said this will be difficult and he told me because to see full power I need to kiss the person is he trying to kiss me right know is he trying to get into my pants ??????
"Fine" I say in a hurry that's when he placed his hand on the back of my neck and started to kiss me it seemed like he wanted to go longer and I didn't mine either but then he stopped in fear I looked at him "what's wrong" " your power it's too much I can't handle it" as soon as he said my power was too much I already knew that I was ready I went to my dead farther and out my hand on his chest I concentrated as hard as I could trying to bring my farther back in life when "Emma your hair it's sticking up" "static" I said but then he informed me we were in the middle of the forest and that's when I can feel his heart beat I can feel my farther's heart beat that's when I could feel mine pounding against my chest I told Luke to hold me up and he did as told
Luke pov.
This was crazy Emma didn't really believe that she can bring back her dad I was holding her up know she was draining her power I could feel it going through my system when at that moment her dad eyes pooped open there were black as night but soon after they turned back to normal that's when Emma passed out.
Deans pov.
I woke up to what seem to be the longest sleep I have ever been In when I realized my daughter blacked out on a boy I quickly grabbed my daughter from the boy with anger in my eye I grabbed my daughter from his hands "what the hell is going on" " I think your daughter is dying to save your life"

Your one and only 🎈🎈🎈🎈

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