The living is the dead

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Look at my Castiel flying with batman Dean

Mrs.pool pov.
I ran outside to where my daughters body was on the ground next to my Dean. I sat next to them on the ground and saw my soon to be daughter I hoped on the floor almost soulless. "Dean may I hold her" I asked Dean. First he denied it he just wanted to hold his baby girl in his arms. But he gave in a gave me the beautiful girl in my hands I kept  her tight in my  hands not wanting to let go. I stroked her hair it was so beautiful it was dark brown just like mine and one of her eyes were green and the other blue like her farther's but her face was just like mine same lips same everything and I'm just happy I can have her in my arms one last time. That's when I started to cry I couldn't help it I tried not to cry on Emma but one tear got on her and I blacked out all I could see is white

Emma pov.
I been in this white room for way to long it's been what 6 hours I feel like I'm in hospital and no one could help me. That's when I saw Janice ( or Mrs. Pool/Wilson)
I ran over to her "mom" before I knew what I said we were hugging our powers colliding together a mixture of gold coming from me and purple coming from me. The next thing I noticed we were in the air I didn't not notice at first but I didn't want to let go I couldn't. There was this big flash of light.

Luke pov.
I was thrown across the field outside next to Mrs.wilson and Emma's body by a force .I hit a cabin hard I looked up and noticed the force was Emma and Mrs.wilson there powers were colliding together like one big force it was a mixture of gold and purple
What the fuck is happening

Dean pov.
I was terrified my daughter and Janice were holding hands in mid air floating together glowing purple and gold it was scaring me how strong they were together I tried to grab my daughter but it just burned me that's when both Janice and Emma's eyes both opened wide Emma's eyes gold and Janice's eyes purple then they both yelled "RUN KNOW " that's the last thing I remembered before I blacked out

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