04.5 if tomas was a player

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// this is just a little extra super short chapter while I'm working on the others to entertain you a bit (I hope) //

04.5 | if tomas was a player

And all I did was wait for it.

"Daaammnn look at that girl," 

I did anything but look at that girl.

"Cora, look at her!"

"No thanks," I replied as I did the combination on my locker.

It was the third time in the past five minutes that Tomas had said that exact statement to me.

He whirled around and knocked me on the shoulder, causing me to lose my grip on the lock and have to start all over.

"See what you made me do?" I scolded. I pointed at the lock. "Now you have to unlock it for me."

"But I don't know your combina--


Tomas flung his hands into the air as if just convicted of a crime, and stayed frozen, staring at me. His wide eyes burnt holes into mine, and I almost wanted to slap him for it.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," he turned and began spinning around the lock. "It's just that if you really want me to like you, you could be a bit more sweet towards me."

The words uttered from his mouth made me laugh. "And who said I wanted you to like me?"

He made a type of pfft sound. "Obviously, everyone."

"And by everyone, you mean yourself?"

"Hell no, I have standards." Once the words came out of his mouth, his eyes widened and he glanced down at his imaginary watch.

His eyes blinked rapidly as he continously tapped against his wrist. "Wow, would you look at the time? Some ladies are awaiting my company. Gotta bounce, cya!"

Tomas flew around and sped walk down the hallway, glancing behind himself every few seconds. "Then who did you mean, exactly?" I called to him.

And that's when he tilted his head back and shouted, "All the shippers in the world!"

i apologize for it not being very good and being extremely short. There will be another part to this later in the book as an extra, but I hope you enjoyed it (because it wasn't that good) •

●°○• have a great night •○°●

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