05. f l u s h e s

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"So basically, you just let the one guy you've been attempting to stalk-and failing, might I add-slip right through your fingers?" Tomas was rummaging through his lockers, stuffing everything in and taking certain materials out.

I threw my hands up in the air. I was exasperated-heck, desperate even. I needed to know who that guy was or else I think I might end up driving myself insane.

"No," I added sarcastically. "That's why I came here to talk to you about him. If I knew who the heck he was, we would've been riding odd into the sunset by now."

Something about Tomas was definitely not in the right place. I couldn't help myself from noticing how Tomas' form suddenly became rigid, almost stiff. I curiously stared into his eyes, wondering if I could find some sort of hint there.

But as I'd expected, there was no way I was able to read Tomas. "Just kidding," I said, laughing humorlessly. "But we would have definitely kissed,"

Tomas didn't answer to my statement, as he just slammed his locker shut and smoothed out the imaginary crinkles on his shirt. My mind asked itself why was he all of a sudden acting like we were both complete strangers, people from different planets. "We should head to class now, right?"

I picked my eyes up and looked around. Most people were already heading to sixth period.

Silently nodding, I grabbed onto the strings of his backpack, and followed him to class, with me trailing behind him.

We were both silent on our way there, a thick layer of ice coming down upon us. And it was as if both of us were afraid that with each breath taken, each word said, the ice would be crack; slowly, yet quickly.

Among the silence, my mind wandered back to yesterday, and what had happened. "Hey Tomas?" I asked, letting go of the strings.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, but soon diverted them. "Yeah?" His voice was soft, warm, but it seemed to hold a feeling of something-something sad.

I looked away. "Why weren't you in school yesterday?"

"I was sick," I was not even able to take a breath by the time he replied. It was so fast, so smoothly said, like he'd been running over that line so many times.

"But you still could've informed me about that," I said. I glanced at him from the side of my eye. "But no matter how many times I called or messaged you, you never answered."

Before I could react, I felt Tomas' hand latch around my wrist. He halted me to a stop, and I had no other choice but to turn around face him. Tomas looked down at me, his telling me nothing was wrong, but I saw how his jaw ticked at my last statement. "Listen, I'm sorry. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. Next time this happens, I'll let you know, but for now, can we just get to class? I don't want to be late."

I tried-I tried to see what he was hiding behind those dull eyes-to see if there was a meaning for all this. I wasn't waiting for an apology, I just wanted an explanation, and he gave me more than what I'd bargained for. This was Tomas standing before me, but this wasn't my Tomas, the one I was used to.

My head was telling me to dig further, ask more about his sudden illness, because I knew he was lying. I could see right through his little white lies. But my mind was ignoring the other possibility; that maybe something personal was going on. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I became involved in something I was never meant to be a part of. So, I let it go. "Alright," I responded, smiling lightly at him. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "But you go ahead. I'm the hall monitor now, so I get to stay out of class for the first fifteen minutes."

"You're the hall monitor now?" Tomas let my hand fall as he stepped back.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?"

"Actually, no, you didn't," He shook his head and began walking again. His shoulder bumped against mine as he made his way past me and in the direction of his class.

It ached-my heart stung as I watched him leave. Why was he acting like this? "I-I'll see you later!" I called from where I standing.

And all I could see was Tomas nod his head without looking back.

I turned my body and leaned against his locker. Something was wrong with him, and I hated feeling the vulnerability of not knowing.

But no matter what, I was going to find out.


I'm really sorry this isn't a lot of writing, but I wrote this a LONG time ago, but at one point I'd forgotten I'd written this. I will try my hardest to have chapter six up quicker than before.


For you, I will try to write more chapters - faster, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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