chapter three, Thud!

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An eight year old Percy was dashing trough a forest, swift and graceful as the deer that taught him. He had regained his natural body fat and started to get some almost unnoticable muscle, making him look way more healthy.

This was Perseus' first solo hunt, and he was travelling to a cyclops camp, whom he still greatly disliked. It had come clear that Poseidon was Percy's biological godly parent when there was a forest fire and he managed to somehow control a nearby creek.

He arrived at the cyclops camp, there were two cyclops and Percy could see three demigods tied to a tree, two blondes and a brunette.

He stealthily clumb up a nearby tree and crounched on a branch hidden by leaves, watching how the two cyclops ate their food- an unhealthy diet of human flesh.

Not hesitating he pulled out his golden bow- a gift from his uncle Apollo when he had first met and blessed him.

The blessing didn't do much to his appearance except the golden streak behind the silver one. But it gave him the ability to fully control light, come up with creative startegies and- added with his original godly parents genes -it gave him a siren's voice.

Many non battle specific abilities came with it also, but now is not the time for that.

He nocked an arrow and pulled the string back with his index, middle and ring finger, lifting his elbow up and staring down the arrows shaft.


The sound echoed trough the clearing as his sharp silver arrow hit the older cylclops right in the middle of his eye.

The younger started yelling, "You will pay for what you've done to my-"


Percy hopped out of his tree and trotted towards the bonded demigods.

He cut their bonds and gags.

"Thanks." One of the blondes said. "Name's Will."

"And i'm Clarisse." The brunette said confident.

The one with sandy blonde hair however, just scowled and said, "Luke."

The dark scowl along with the fresh scar on his cheek made him seem almost evil, and Percy frowned.

Then he smiled at Will and Clarisse, "My name's Percy, nice to meet ya!"

Will was unmistakable a son of his uncle, judging by his bright sky blue eyes, golden blonde hair and slight tan even though it winter.

Clarisse was most definately a daughter of Ares, with her tall muscled frame and pig-like brown eyes.

Not that Percy had anything against pigs, unless you count the males the hunters call pigs that is...

"Sooo~why were you all tied up at a cyclops camp?" Percy asked curiosly.

"None of your buisiness pretty boy." Luke snapped. Making Percy flich at the 'pretty boy' part

Clarisse however, gave the more amusing answer, "Mr. None of your buisiness here got us lost and thought it would be a good idea to charge at those monsters."

Percy nodded, "I see."

His eyes scanned around the camp before landing on a pile of weapons, he pointed to it."Your weapons are over there." He said.

"Thanks kiddo." Will said(i know Will's younger but this is fanfiction so deal with it, he's gonna be overprotective big brother/cousin.) ruffling Percy's hair making him pout.

The older demigods walked to the pile of weapons, and when they turned around again, Percy had dissapeard.


Percy's sisters were mother hens, enough said.

As soon as he entered the camp he was swarmed by a dozen teenage girls, a deer, two wolves and a worried mommy goddess.

When the swarm cleared, he had multicolored band-aids on his cuts and Willow and Megan were laughing at him.

Willow's skin was an obnoxious green and she had pale green hair, her hatefull brown eyes staring out.

Megan looked like a dam slut. She had blonde hair and brown eyes with blue contacts. And she wore close to no clothes.

The duo had been tormenting(no not the pokémon move) him since they day they met.

He hated it.

The son of Artemis calmly walked to the wolf pack, wich consisted of only white wolves.

The Alpha's were the snow white Xena and the chalk white Kyro, the Beta's were their now adult ash grey/white children Amicus, Jethro and Praelia.

The rest of the wolves were lower ranked and less loyal.

Xena immidiatly began fussing over him like the mama wolf she was. While Amicus and Praelia wanted to know all about his little adventure. Jethro and his father just watched.

"And then he scowled at me! And he had this scar on his face and it made him look so... Evil. I could've sworn i sensed betrayal in him, but i'm not so sure. The others were nice though, a son of uncle and a daughter of Ares." He finished his story about his hunt.

You sensed evil in him? Praelia asked, well if he hurts you i will tear him to bits! She said, honoring her name.

I'm really glad you made friends Perce, i hope they'll treat you meet them again! Amicus said, Amicus was one of his best friends.

Percy left to eat dinner with the huntress', eating the nuts, berries and roots his sisters had managed to find.

As he ate a few thoughts swirled around in his head like a maelstrom. Who exactly was Luke? Would he be accepted as a hunter? Would he see Clarisse and Will again? And the most important one, Would Apollo stop making horrible haikus?

After his dinner he headed to the wolves tent and curled up to them before drifting of to the realm of Morpheus.

Were he unfortunately dreamed dreams full of warrior princess', archers and thieves fighting giant dragons.

Little did he know that had actually happened.

Hope that was good, votes are closed, result will be in chapter 5.

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