Chapter 2: Fast Times at Clairmont High

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A/N: SORRY! This is a very short chapter! But don't threat, next chapter will be longer and OH MY GOD! BEE GEES JUST CAME ON MY TV!! I love them! 

I'm losing track, anyway this is Rhona! Enjoy her! Cherish her! Pretend she is you! But she is actually Ariana Grande sorry.

The song is by Pierce The Veil because oh Victor! (If you have read any of disasterology you would know i love them!) 

So Enjoy.x


Rhona looked around the school halls as The Maine is jammed in her brain. Everyone was always rushing and pushing, they never seemed to just stop and take in life. She loved it. Life that is. No matter where you are, everyone has a story and secrets. She loved that about the world and the people. Then you get jackasses like the football team that make her wish she was never born.

'Hey Rhona? Yoohoo?' Sarah-Jane waved her hand to catch the young girls attention.

'Oh hey SJ. What's up?' Sarah laughed and grabbed Rhona's hands while slightly jumping.

'Kenzie asked me out!' she squealed making Rhone cringe. 'Isn't this fantastic?' SJ laughed.

'Of course. Sure.' Rhona sighed sarcastically. He was captain of guess what? Yip, the football team. Ironic right? 'I mean come on SJ, he only asked you out because he has shagged every other girl in this school besides me. Let's face it, process by elimination isn't exactly romantic.'

'Well, firstly, he isn't with you or asked you out because your little Niall already had dibs on you. You are his. And hey, i'll take it. It's a fuck right?' Rhone shivered. Never had she known why she was SJ's best friend. They were complete opposites: SJ was like a walking talking Barbie. Bright blonde hair and wore literally no clothes, orange as fuck and wore way to much make up. Whereas Rhone wore Summer dresses and jeans, no make up and had red hair.

But she loved her none the less.

'Niall didn't “dibs” me. He asked me out and I said yes.'

'RHONA!' Speak of the devil. Niall came running up with his bag bouncing wildly.

'Nialler, calm down what's up?' Rhona asked concerned while handing Niall his inhaler.

'!' She turned to SJ who was just as bewildered as she was. Niall caught his breath and repeated. 'Zayn isn't well, food poisoning or some shit like that-'

'Don't swear Ni!' Rhone hissed. She hated it.

'Sorry, anyway, so Mr. Harvey is putting me on the team as a sub! And tonight is the match against Lauderdale Academy!' Niall hugged his girlfriend and she laughed. 'So you're coming tonight right?' For one of the 'popular' – if you call them that – people he is such a goon.

'I have no choice?' Niall shook his head highly 'fine. I'll go.'

'weyhey!' Rhona and SJ laughed at the boy infront of them. The bell rang and Niall quickly kissed Rhona 'Anyway babe, I need to go so I'll catch you later.' He darted off leaving Rhona to silently scream that she had to go to the match tonight. Great.

call me hopeless, not romantic; irwinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant