CHAPTER 1 - Just Nothing

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Kirstie's POV

One day, I was feeding my beautiful male husky, Olaf. I'm felt kind of sad because everytime I fed or pet Olaf, I always remember Jeremy, my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me. He said he was drunk but I don't believe him. I was so mad so I ended up breaking up with him.

About two minutes later, Mitch called me. Flawless by Beyoncè rang. I put down the dog food bag, and quickly grab my ringing phone. Mitch started the conversation first.

"Hey gurl!" I can imagine him smiling through the phone.

"Mitchellini baby! What's up?" I said with a smile while petting Olaf.

He giggled, "I like that nickname. By the way, I called you because we are going to the gym. I don't know why but Scott just randomly said "LET'S GO TO THE GYM!!! THIS NOODLE NEED SOME EXERCISE TO DO! PLEASE COME WITH ME MITCHY. ASK THE OTHER GROUP MEMBERS!!" so yeah."

Now this time, I giggled, "Okay okay, BassMan and CelloBox in?" I don't know why when I said 'CelloBox", my stomach gets a little wierd. But I ignore it.

"Uh-uh yas. We are jumpin' on 25 mins gurl. Gotta go fast, k?" Mitch said. I looked at the watch hanging on the wall. It said 10:05 AM.

"Alrighty babe. See ya #soon!" I said with a grin on my face.

"Hahah, I see what you did there girl. Bye! See ya" I can see he is grinning too.

"Byee." I hung up. Olaf was sitting near me, licking his hand. I smiled and I got up, getting ready.


Kevin's POV

For the "gym meetup", I changed into a grey sweatshirt, with black basketball shorts all the way to my knees. While I brush my hair, I saw Avi wearing a black with grey striped shirt and a same basketball pants, but his was red.

I grabbed my phone and yelled "Yo Kaplan! Let's off!". Avi, from the other side of the room quickly jogged his way to the bed, grabbing his bag. "Sorry I took a long time. I just wanna look good for Kirst." Ha, I knew he has a little crush on Kirstie, but when he mentioned her name, my stomach felt a little wierd. Hm, maybe I was hungry. Maybe

"Yeah um.. she needs someone to calm her down. Lately she is in stress because Jeremy cheated on her. Remember 2 days ago she was crying like crazy? Yeah man that was really sad" I said, doesn't know why I felt a little jealous saying the word 'Jeremy'.

"Of course I remember that! I was in panic so I umh.." Avi said, slightly blushing.

"Hey it's ok mate. Tell me. I'm yo bestfriend." I said while punching his left arm gently.

"I uhh.. I k-kinda ki-issed her f-forh-head. J-just th-he f-forh-ead t-ho" Says Avi, blushing evern more harder. Now he looked like a tomato.

"What? Real men don't sutter like that!" I said throwing my arms in the air.

"IkindakissedherontheforheadbecauseIwaspanicking." He said in a hurry. He hid his face in his hands.

"Wow chill. Okayy you kissed her. On the forhead. Because you were panicking."

I, on the other hand felt a tiny tiny tiny little bit of jealousness. I don't even frickin know why.

Oh wait.


"YOU KISSED HER ON THE FORHEAD!?!??!?! OMIGODHSDH AVI! I SAID WE NEED TO DO IT SLOWLY!!!!" I said screaming and feeling really mad at him. We agreed that he needs to do less physical contacts, less staring and etc.

"Shi- ah I'm sorry. I hope she wouldn't notice that." He said getting the car key, playing it on his hands. "Now let's go, Kurvy!" He said grabbing my hand with a happy face, fist bumping the air.

"Woop! Lez gooww!!" I felt a little happy because Kurvy is the nickname Kirstie gave me.

Oh no.

W-whats wrong w-with me?


Aaaaa my hand aww--
Well hello there.
If you are reading this, ily, you are beautiful, U R FLAWLESS AF. And you must be shipping KIRVIN.. right-?
Oh btw I always update about 1-2 days. Depends.
Nowwww I got to go! 😜 love yall!
Scotta go fast! 😃

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