chapter ten - g

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"i'm going to follow this invisible red thread until i find myself again... until i finally figure out... who i'm meant to be." - jennifer elisabeth

     Ladybug knew something was wrong with her partner when he stopped calling her "My Lady". It was easy to spot out, almost like a splatter of color on a black canvas. He'd call her that every time they were together. She simply pretended to not acknowledge it; there was a job more important to focus on. Besides, even if she did bring it up, she knew that he would somehow tease her for noticing. She began to feel a light throb of pain in her chest as the slipped into the Cliffhanger's house. Why? It's not as if she had physically hurt herself.

     When the Cliffhanger began explaining why she became Akuma-tized, she said a sentence that almost caused Ladybug to burst into tears on the spot. "People are rude, insensitive, and only think for themselves without knowing that the person on the other side is a human being too." Ladybug's heart nearly stopped. It was almost as if that sad, black haired girl was speaking directly to her. Those words impaled her mind like a javelin, echoing and telling her that it was her harming the person on the other end of the string.

     "Get to the computer at all costs!" Ladybug swung her yo-yo at the electronic device. The Cliffhanger immediately swirled around in her seat and typed in a couple words. Instantly, a rectangular jail cell encompassed the heroine, lock included. "Goodness, this author is detailed with her work..." She muttered under her breath while kicking at the bars in futile.

     "You'll have to do better than that," The masked girl sang lightly, "I was top in my class for most words typed in under a minute."

     Ladybug ground her teeth together, trying to figure out a way to get out of the situation she was entrapped in. Chat Noir flung his baton, and it spun back like a boomerang while nearing the computer. The Cliffhanger muttered a few words under her breath in frustration and leaped out of the chair, kicking it out of the way. The baton clattered onto the ground.

     Is it too soon for me to use my Lucky Charm? Ladybug thought to herself while reaching towards the lock. She realized that it wasn't a lock that required a key; it consisted of four dialing numbers. Realizing that this could be a possible escape route, she looked around the room if she could find anything that stuck out. Chat picked up his baton and extending it fully. He swung it at the Cliffhanger without any hesitation, and within a few moments, a shield with the Triforce popped out of nowhere into the girl's hand and she blocked the blow. Using the shield as a perfect use of lift-off, Chat launched himself over the Cliffhanger's head like a pole vaulter.

    "Cataclysm!" He shouted, and his right claw flared with black. As soon as his hand made contact with the computer, the electronic crumbled into dust. Much to his dismay, no Akuma fluttered out of the rubbish.

     The Cliffhanger jumped out of her chair, keeping herself a safe distance away and whipped out her phone. "Hawk Moth, there's more than one way of writing things down," She rolled her eyes; an action she tended to do quite a bit, "We authors have to carry something around when we get an idea." She stopped talking for a while, "Well why don't you come out and get them yourselves! Goodness, you're just as lazy as I am-."

     "The phone! Try to get the phone!" Ladybug shouted as she continued to fumble with the lock. Chat Noir nodded, although anxiously looking down at his ring which began the dreaded countdown. He held out his baton again and began using swinging it like a baseball bat; the Cliffhanger attempting to block off his attacks with her new shield. Ladybug's eyes continued to wander around the room, and suddenly a list taped on the wall caught her attention. Written down were a list of dates, but only one was highlighted in green.

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