Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

House, car, platform, train. It was all the same to Levi. He wandered through the carriages, occasionally stopping to greet an old face. He really wanted to see her again. Feel her lips and hold her close. She was his everything and anything, he would dive to the bottom of the black lake for her in once single breath. He would obviously die on the way it it would be a meaningful death. But then again, he would be dead so he could no longer see her again.

Unless he came back as a ghost. He didn't know... He just wanted to get there.

A few more carriages to go. She always sat in the one at the end with her friends.

Oh he couldn't wait to see her, her letters of love where beautiful and he traced every letter whil- OUCH!

A figure flew out of a compartment directly beside him and crashed into Levi almost knocking him to the floor. The girl who had flown into him screamed and pegged it down the train. Her hair bouncing around in its bun and feet pounding on the floor.

What in merlins baggy underpants was that about?!

He turned to see what had caused her to get out  in such a hurry.

A boy, tall, thin, with wavy black hair sat in the compartment. He was alone and had a smirk playing around his lips.

He was about to tap on the glass and start interrogating that boy about what happened when something stopped him. He couldn't describe it... All he knew was that he felt a niggling feeling in the back of his head telling him that he couldn't force his prefect duties upon this boy.

He decided to let him off. Levi couldn't be bothered with telling it to professor McGonagall on the first day back and he also really wanted to see Rosie!

He turned and found my self outside her compartment. He tapped lightly on the glass and waved at her. She grinned, shot up and flung the compartment door open, leaping on top of him and squashing him into a bear like hug!

He hugged back and took in her perfume, rose petals and cedar wood "I missed you so much"

She squealed something screechy in his ear then lead him back into the compartment where He sat with an arm around her, listening to her and her friends babble on about what happened over the holidays.

He wasn't really paying attention... He couldn't think stop thinking about what had happened earlier. It was not like himself to ignore blatant bullying. Why did he not go in there? Who was that guy?



"What did I just say?" She looked up at him half smiling half exasperated.

He looked quickly about the compartment and at her friends all looking at him with the same expression "something about..." He met eyes with her and smiled shyly "spoons?"

She broke into laughter and shook her head, her golden curls flying in all directions, her pink cheeks becoming a touch pinker. She was perfect in every single way. Sometimes Levi thought she was too perfect. "No silly! We are discussing how much we are going to put together to by chocolate frogs this year"

"Oh." Levi still felt a little zoned out but nodded "I put ten Sickles into the pot, with the agreement that we buy a pumpkin pastie as I'm not feeling too good."

The girls chatted and passed the purse in his direction and he poured the money into it. He felt a light tap on the fingers around Rosie's shoulders and lent in to kiss her. Meeting her lips he smiled.

"Tell me you love me" she whispered to him their noses touching lightly.

"I love you"

"Good" she gave him a small kiss she rolled back into her pervious position.

They had always done this. Ever since third year they were together. Sixth year was going to be the same and that was fine by Levi.

At some point Levi fell asleep on Rosie's shoulder. His blonde brown hair flopping around in front of his eyes.

In his slumber (and sometimes when he was awake) he had the ability to sence and see things that other people couldn't. It was one of the things that told him since he was very young his magical ability so were powerful. He looked around in his dream. He could see all the girls in the room glowing their beautiful yellow colours. He could see a girl passing the compartment on the way to the driver glowing pink. Then he felt it... Power or was it energy? He felt a vibe like nothing he had ever sensed before. It was coming through the wall.

His eyes snapped open and he stood up. Rosie jumped and looked up at him with her big blue eyes "were are you going"

Crap. Excuse... "I umm... Are going... Bathroom" he mumbled then walked out of the compartment. He closed his eyes and followed the scent of energy to a compartment a few down. He looked inside and saw the black haired boy from earlier. Now the power was so strong he could see it without closing his eyes. This boy, who over he was, radiated black and blue like no other Levi had seen. He was so angry and sad at the same time.

He didn't notice me. He just stared out the window, smirk from earlier gone and a mask of complete indifference covered his face. Levi felt a stab of pity for this boy all alone with no one to talk to the entire journey. He was about to tap on the glass and ask the boy if he wanted to join him other than be alone then he remembered the girl flying out of there and thought better of it.

Levi moved down the train towards the loos. To be fair he really did want to pee.

Clouded Vision {Tom Riddle} (Needs serious editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang