Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

It's was 2:55am and Levi was bouncing up and down in front of the main entrance doors. WHY COULDN'T HOGWARTS BE IN SAPIN FOR A CHANGE?! It was bloody freezing. Where was Tom?! Levi was anxious to start patrolling and maybe walk all the cold off.

Levi starred out the doors to the night sky, it was truly beautiful, misty coloured clouds drifted over the sea that was the billions of brightly shining stars and a perfect crescent moon. The coldness seeped into his bones but the sky took his breath away and he wasn't quite sure which one he should concentrate on most.

Suddenly a bright green spark flew past his ear and into the distance making funny circular shapes. Levi whipped around to find Tom almost directly behind him. How had he not noticed his presence?

"Oh." Levi sighed "Ready to patrol?"

Tom seemed to ignore Levi and stepped beside him, looking into the distance "Do like the sky tonight?"

"Yes." He said drawing his attention to the clouds. Levi quickly closed his eyes and found Toms energy, it wasn't was strong as the beginning of term but it was more a mixture of blue, pink and a hint of black. Only for a moment did he read Tom before snapping his eyes open again to stare at the stars.

Toms head whipped around quickly "we have to patrol." And without a word he strode off down the corridor leaving Levi to jog to keep up.

The rest of the patrol was done in silence and when the ringing of five o'clock chimed from the bell tower Tom and Levi headed back to the marble staircase.

At the bottom they turned to each other "good night... Or is it morning?" Levi managed to tell Tom.

"Its five am so, morning. Good morning." Tom turned to leave and Levi decided to read him once more. It was still that blue, pinkish, black colour.

Suddenly Tom turned around "what did you just do?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You just performed magic. Didn't you?"


Toms voice suddenly became slightly higher and extremely cold "You're lying"

"I didn't 'Perform' any magic!"

"I know you did something!" Tom was also at shouting. It looked like he was panicking.

Levi easily saw the waves of yellow, fear, flowing off him "I'm not doi-"


Levi kept his cool, no one had ever known his ability to see people's emotions, other than his parents. Not even Rosie could tell.

Tom pulled out his wand and flicked it. Levi felt his body lift from the ground and slam against a wall. Lights popped up in his eyes and his head span. There's was Tom standing over him.

A hand pulled his head up and the chill of toms cold skin gripped his cheek "I dislike people lying to me Sycamore" he breathed heavily in Levi's ear "I know that you are hiding magic. You know how I know?" A pause "I can feel magic, I can feel magic in every living creature, object, partial on this earth. It's comes off you in waves and every now and then I feel the prickle on my neck which means that someone has used magic on me. I know you have used something. Trust me, I won't stop until I understand what, even if it means I have to break you entirely."

Levi felt the hand slip away and fell unconscious.


Soft warm.

Soft warm. Voices.

Levi didn't need to open his eyes to know that he was in the hospital wing. How had he got there? He had been in here so many times before from Quidditch. But he was no longer on the team because of his arm/bludger injury.

Then he remembered the Riddle extravaganza. Oh god this is embarrassing. Why did he always get knock unconscious! He bet that some poor first year stumbled across him as they went for breakfast.

He opened his eyes to see an interesting scene. On one side of him he saw Rosie, who was patterns in the air with her wand and sending dancing sparks above his head, on the other he saw Madam Pomfrey, who was fussing with some drink on the cabinet beside his bed and at the foot of the bed... McGonagall, who's expression quickly lightened when he opened his eyes.

"Ah. Sycamore, alive again!" McGonagall smiled.

Levi felt for his head, which ached like hell. "What time is it?"

Rosie perked up "just after lunch. You hit your head pretty bad."

Levi couldn't think of much more to say than "Oh. Right. Okay" he really wanted to rest some more but he knew that McGonagall wouldn't be there unless there was a reason, so he focuses his attention on her and waited.

"How did this... How should I put it... Head bump. Occur exactly?" She nodded over her shoulder to a person. Tom FRIKIN Riddle, of corse. "You gave Tom here quite a turn when he found you." Tom looked at his shoes. Usually this calm and collected boy seemed rather troubled.

Levi opened his mouth, ready to spill everything about Tom. That would teach him but in one fraction of a second Levi looked at toms energy and only saw purple (guilt/remorse)

Still in that one fraction of time Levi changed his mind.

"Oh don't worry professor." Levi said with an easy smile "my fault, I was heading down the marble staircase and must have tripped over my robes or something. I don't remember an awful lot."

McGonagall smiled and looked relived "I didn't want you dying. Ravenclaw are a chaser short and were wondering if your arm was feeling any better and if you can play this week?" I nodded a quick yes to her and she turned to leave

But Levi called back to her "Professor? What happened to the other chaser?"

McGonagall turned round with a incredibly forlorn expression and nodded to Madam Pomfrey who drew back the curtain separating Levi's bed and the next.

On top of this bed lay a figure entirely made of stone. It was one of his friends, Jaime.

Levi sprung out of the covers, clutching his pounding head and flopped down on the floor near his friend. How!

He looked up at where McGonagall had been but saw she was gone, so he turned to Madam Pomfrey. "How did it happen?"

"I have no idea. The things you students get up to is ridiculous! I have fixed so many problems over the years, people turning into frogs, sprouting mushrooms, shrinking!"

"Well... Can you fix her?"

"She is only petrified. I have no doubt that I will be able to administer her some form of potion to revive her." And with that Madam Pomfrey bustled off to another bed saying over her shoulder "Rose, get him back to bed! He needs to rest."

Levi guessed it was about midnight when Tom next appeared. Levi wasn't able to sleep, the skelligrow was still working it's painful wonders on his damaged skull. The clock was ticking steadily on the wall opposite his bed all Levi could hear was the soft breathing of the sick students.

He sensed toms power before he heard him. The light creak of the door has his black curls flitted around it stopping once he reached my bed.

He crouched to the side of his bed, Levi was gaining sleep, he really didn't want to get another beating.

The whisper was low and hushed, not like it was when he was threatening me, more soft and gentle "I know you're not asleep and... I guess you don't want to talk but I just wanted... I just wanted to say thanks. You could have told on me and you had absolutely every right to but... You didn't. It won't happen again, me snapping I mean...So... Yeah... Thanks" he stood up and walk to the end of the bed, paused, then crept back "I'm sorry."

Once Levi had sensed that Tom left he sat up. Tom had firstly, been thankful, secondly, he had been sorry. Levi honestly didn't quite know what to make of this new information. He lay back on his pillows and rested, mind blank, not sleeping, not dreaming, just resting.

Clouded Vision {Tom Riddle} (Needs serious editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant